224 Valkyrie Upper For Sale

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Hästen Valkyrie Upper For Sale

The Hästen steel company has introduced the "224 Valkyrie upper for sale." This fantastic piece of equipment is a no nonsense upper body armor. It includes a bubble shield, groin and thigh plates, head & shield plate, shoulder plates, elbows, ankles, and boots.

The Valkyrie is one of the most important pieces of equipment on the market today. Its great all around protection is a must have in today's cold weather. There are a number of reasons why.

For starters, there is no need to break a sweat when getting into a snowball fight, because a helmet will protect you. It is pretty much like having a full upper body protection.

The Valkyrie is lightweight, which is very important if you are fighting in a snowstorm. I've been in snowstorms where I didn't have any gloves and was stiff all day.

Not having a body armor can mean the difference between winning and losing. Let's face it. If you are trying to catch a snow shovel in the snow and your body armor is digging in, you'll be either digging your heels in the snow, or rolling around in a ball until you freeze to death.

If the temperatures were milder, wearing that jacket would also be like a God's gift. You are going to get drenched in those very cold temps, and be slowed down for getting out of the way of the passing snowmobiles.

In case of an emergency, a helmet is not a necessity, but for everyday use, it's a must have. Many people will not think of this as a necessity, but that doesn't mean you can't wear it. It's really that important.

The Valkyrie comes in three different colors, with the viking style that is very popular. Each color also comes with their own matching color plating. Here is the story behind the colors:

Blue - One of the very first colors that I'm not crazy about. It has lots of blue in it, but the actual color is more of a rusty color. It doesn't seem to blend with the viking style. I think that the blue would be better if you are wanting to stand out in the crowd.

Red - This color combination really suits the Red Team. There is a red coloring on each arm plate. It just really does stand out. Now the Red Team won't be doing much digging, but you can take a full advantage of the shield.

With the blue and red, the Black Team should really consider getting some type of red viking plate. This color is darker than blue, and the red plate really stands out on the vest.