
As all my colleagues "Maître de conférences" (Lecturer), I teaches a broad range of topics from systematic and identification of insects to statistics for life scientists, genetics, molecular evolution and phylogenetics.

Currently, I co-organize three courses for Licence and Master students. 

The first is a large course entitle "The genetic base of evolution" for students in their third year of Licence. These courses contain Mendelian genetic, mutations, gene expression and regulation of expression, introduction to molecular evolution and the evolution of genome organisation, introduction to evo-devo and non-genetic heredity and conflicts. The course is co-organized with Pascale Perrin. The lecture are given by Agnès Mignot, Pascale Perrin, Mathieu Sicard , Anna-Sophie Fiston Lavier and myself.

The second is entitle "Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics" for students in Master BE. This course was initiated by Isabelle Olivieri and addresses a wide range of topics around evolutionary genetics. In this course, I give lectures on the evolution of coding sequences and the problem of detection adaptation using genomic data.

The third is entitle "Identification of animals and plants of France" for the students of the Licence Pro EDEN. This course introduces the students to the identification of the wide varieties of groups including birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians, insects (butterflies, dragonflies and orthoptera) and plants of the french Flora and fauna. I'm teaching the butterflies and orthoptera courses.

Stage Florac

On the field with Master student, Florac, 2017

With the help of Eric Imbert, Olivier Duriez and Errol Vela, I'm in charge of the Licence EDEN.

Here is the among of hours I have taught every years since my recruitment :

2012/2013 : 192h

2013/2014 : 250h

2014/2015 : 300h

2015/2016 : 258h