This wiki website is maintained by volunteers affiliated with the Economics and Finance Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), now chaired by Nathan Macek (HDR) . The initial website was developed base on the California Department of Transportation website and updated by volunteers during 2009 and 2010.
Subcommittee members who contributed to the original development of the website include Chris Williges (HDR), Brian Alstadt (formerly with Economic Development Research Group (now EBP), Glen Weisbrod (EBP), Todd Litman (Victoria Transport Policy Institute), Lei Zhang (University of Maryland), Peter Rafferty (now Cambridge Systemabitcs, then University of Wisconsin), Nancy Bergeron (Transport Canada), Sylvia He (University of Southern California), Sabyasachee Mishra (University of Maryland), and Daniel Bisers (University of Maryland). Additional support for the website was provided by Steve Bert (then NCSU, now Planning Communities) and Kyle Schroeckenthaler (EBP).
The TRB Economics and Finance Committee appreciates the contributions of the original website developers and ongoing contributions by volunteers. If you would like to contribute, please contactKyle Schroeckenthaler.
Original Website
Funding for development of the original website was provided by the California Department of Transportation, Office of Transportation Economics, Division of Transportation Planning.
Construction of the website was accomplished under contract to the Department of Transportation by the California Center for Innovative Transportation, in the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California at Berkeley. The effort was assisted by subcontracts to California Polytechnic State University and EBP (formerly Economic Development Research Group).
The concept of a web-based tool for improving benefit-cost practice by transportation planners, and the basic design of the website, was the product of a multiple-year planning effort by the Committee on Urban Transportation Economics and Policy (now the Planning, Economics and Finance Committee) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The following ASCE journal article explains the logic and history of the original website in greater detail: Sullivan, Edward, Joy Dahlgren, Glen Weisbrod, and Kazem Attaran. "Web-Based Guide to Transportation Benefit / Cost Analysis." ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 7, July 2008, pp. 282-286. Available to subscribers and others paying a fee at: A working paper version of the article is available at:
Funding, oversight and review by the Caltrans Office of Planning: Dr. Kazem Attaran (chief), Mahmoud Mahdavi, Brian Weatherford, Sabrina Brown (website administrator).
Website development over 2003-2004 by UC Berkeley: Joy Dahlgren (Technical Director), Ashkan Sharafsaleh (Project Manager), Hamed Benouar (Manager), Matthew Malchow (structure/design), Phyllis Orrick (editing) and Jeff Williams (webmaster), plus consultants Roni Terkel (site design) and Melanie Curry (editing).
Text content developed and authored over 2003-2004 by: Joy Dahlgren, Robert Hannay, Andy Katz, Jeff Williams and Matthew Malchow (UC Berkeley), together with Ed Sullivan (Cal Poly) and Glen Weisbrod (Economic Development Research Group (now EBP)).
Initial concept for this website was developed over 2001-2003 by the ASCE Committee on Urban Transportation Economics and Policy, chaired by Jan Botha (San Jose State University) and later by Joy Dahlgren (UC Berkeley). Active subcommittee members who assisted in the initial site design and provided content (besides Jan Botha and Joy Dahlgren) were: Ed Sullivan (Cal Poly State University), Glen Weisbrod (Economic Development Research Group (now EBP)), Jonathan Gifford (George Mason University), Patrick DeCorla-Souza (Federal Highway Administration), C. Jotin Khisty (Illinois Institute of Technology), David Reinke (Dowling Associates), and James Hunt.