Beige-UML getting started.

Creating UML diagram with Beige-UML SWING interface

1. Download latest release beige-uml-swing-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar from

2. You should have Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6+ to run this application. Otherwise install JRE for your operation system (see

3. Launch beige-uml-swing-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar (usually by right click from file explorer). To launch from command line execute: "java -jar beige-uml-swing-jar-with-dependencies.jar". If fonts appear ugly then use java option "-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp" to use OS fonts, i.e. launch: "java -jar -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp beige-uml-swing-jar-with-dependencies.jar"

4. In menu click create new project. Complete project properties, e.g. project name set to "MyUml" and choose path to project (parent folder):

New project

4. In menu click add class diagram. Click toolbox button "Class" then click on canvas to place UML-class. Class editor will be opened. Enter class name "Business". By the same way add two classes "Owner" and "Employee".

Add class diagram

5. Choose project folder "MyUml" at the project tree then press "Ctrl+S" to save diagram into file. Enter "Business" as file name.

6. Click "Realization" button on toolbox, then click inside class "Business". Press mouse left button on the end rectangle of relation and drag inside "Owner".

Add realization

7. Add realization for "Employee" then save "Ctrl-S":

Binary realizations

8. Select both realizations and delete by "Ctrl+Del".

9. Add N-ary relationship - select from toolbox and click inside "Business". In relation editor change relation kind from "Association" to "Realization". Select intermediate joint to "BUS_X". Then add classes "Owner" and "Employee"- click button "add" then choose shape (class):

edit realization

10. Press "OK" to apply changes. Result diagram will be:


*if you have problem with moving relationship end, then increase "width drag rectangle" in project settings

Using Beige-UML in a Maven project.

The best way is use BeigeUML in a Maven project.

Make following steps to do it:

    1. If you haven't Maven install it Download and Install Maven
    2. If your java project is non-Maven create simple Maven project from command line:
      1. mvn -B archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \ \ -DartifactId=my-app
    3. Where replace group and artifact ID with yours, then copy your java code into this newly created Maven project. Add these entries into pom.xml:
      1. <reporting> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.10.2</version> <configuration> <doclet>org.beigesoft.uml.service.swing.CreatorDoclet</doclet> <docletArtifact> <groupId>org.beigesoft</groupId> <artifactId>beige-uml-swing</artifactId> <version>2.1.9</version> </docletArtifact> <useStandardDocletOptions>true</useStandardDocletOptions> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </reporting>
    4. Install your Maven project from command line "mvn install", then create Maven site by run "mvn site:site". Maven site will be in folder "target", UML project will be in folder "src/uml". You can launch beige-uml-swing-jar-with-dependencies.jar and make some changes on diagram, then recreate site again.

Using Beige-UML to generate javadoc from command line

Assume your source path is "/home/java/MyProj1/src" and packages start with "org", and you put beige-uml-swing-jar-with-dependencies.jar into "/home/java/util". To generate Javadoc in "/home/javadoc" and project UML in "/home/javadocuml" execute this command:

javadoc -d /home/javadoc -doclet org.beigesoft.uml.service.swing.CreatorDoclet -docletpath /home/java/util/beige-uml-swing-jar-with-dependencies.jar -umlprojectpath /home/javadocuml -sourcepath /home/java/MyProj1/src -subpackages org

Then launch beige-uml-swing-jar-with-dependencies.jar and open UML project "/home/javadocuml" then make manually changes on diagrams you want. Then again launch javadoc.

*JDK8 and last beige-uml-swing-jar-with-dependencies.jar give out of memory error on huge projects, previous version and JDK7 don't.

Beige-UML screenshots

Java Swing UML editor screenshots:

Class diagram demo:

Package diagram demo:

Object diagram demo:

Use case diagram demo:

Sequence diagram demo1:

Sequence diagram demo2:

Sequence diagram demo3:

Modified javadoc UML diagram:

Modified javadoc html file:

Android UML editor screenshots:

Class diagram demo:

Package diagram demo:

Use-case diagram demo:

Sequence diagram demo:

Edit class sample:

Android file-chooser screenshots:

Choose diagram file in current project: