Bob's web-store example. Part 3, price depends on buyer's category, price in foreign currency.

To make different prices for different buyers you should open the menu -> Administrator then:

1. set the "Menu -> ... -> Trading settings - Price for customer" property to "Yes"

2. add a new price category in the Menu -> Pricing with name "Silver buyers":

Beige-Webstore settings

3. add this "silver buyers" into "Price categories" for buyers in the Menu -> Pricing, e.g. for buyer Dilon Smith:

Beige-Webstore settings

4. then add prices for goods/services, e.g. prices for the "Yoga uniform" (seller is Teacher):

Beige-Webstore settings

As a result, the prices for registered users with "Silver price category" and newbies (just clear cookie cBuyerId and buSeId) are different, e.g:

Beige-Webstore settings
Beige-Webstore settings

Price in foreign currency

You should use the "Currency rates" in the "Menu -> Administrator -> Pricing". The base currency is in the "Accounting settings". Foreign price = price in base currency * currency rate. An exchange rate might have huge decimal places, e.g. 1USD=61.12RUB, the base currency is RUB, so the rate is "0.0163612565445". To handle such rates just use a negative value, i.e. "-61.12" in this case. Application itself makes the rate = 1/61.12.

Example of exchange rates (the base currency is USD):

Beige-Webstore settings

A buyer can choose a currency, a language (and other things) in the "user preferences", e.g:

Beige-Webstore settings

As a result, the list is:

Beige-Webstore settings