Import an EIS database by using the WEB-service.

Keywords: Import a database by using the WEB-service.

* You can not use the A-Jetty SSL (HTTPS) certificate for any Internet resource (site or WEB-service)! You can use it on Tomcat only for testing of importing purpose with disabled Internet connection!

If you decided to move from lite standalone (single user) SQlite version of Beigesoft™ EIS into a high performance enterprise-ready database MySql or Postgresql, then use the WEB-service Menu->...->Import database

Bob decided to check it out. He installed the Apache Tomcat and the Postgresql according to README.txt. He download file beige-accweb.war from central Maven repository and put it into webapps folder of Apache Tomcat. Bob installed the Bouncy Castle crypto-provider in static way (see Software installation...), then he copied ajettykeystore.444 file into [tomcat-home]/conf folder and uncommented and changed SSL connector in the [tomcat-home]/conf/server.xml:

<Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol"

maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true"






clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

Bob check out that he can not read server.xml file under his regular account, because of this file holds the keystore password.

Bob added the ajetty-ca.pem into the Java's trusted CA keystore:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ajettyca -file "ajetty-ca.pem" -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts

* on MS Windows open the Power Shell as ADMIN in the Beigesoft EIS folder and run:

& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre[version#8]\bin\keytool.exe" -import -trustcacerts -alias ajettyca -file "ajetty-ca.pem" -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre[version#8]\lib\security\cacerts"

The default password to this keystore is changeit. Adding a CA certificate to this keystore requires ROOT permission, so do not worry about the keystore password. Never use this keystore to store private keys!

He launched the SQlite version Beigesoft™ EIS on 8444 port (source local database). Then he started Tomcat and opened address https://localhost:8443/beige-accweb/ He pushed Menu -> ... -> Import database, then entered "URL of WEB-service of source database:" as "localhost:8444/bsa8444/adm/xml" and filled user/password fields then pressed "submit":

The import report is:

Beigesoft™ EIS import database

The data is the same:

Local WEB-server A-Jetty is not available for cloud (Internet). Apache Tomcat uses an Internet-available IP address, so your data will be Internet-accessible, and you can import data from your Tomcat (on your computer) into a Beigesoft™ EIS deployed on any other cloud JEE server. But you can not use the A-Jetty HTTPS certificate for it! You must make a new HTTPS certificate by yourself. You can do it (for example) by using the Bouncy Castle Crypto Java API or the OpenSSL.