TDJ2O Expectations

TDJ2O -- Technological Design



A1. identify and describe the purpose, scope, and steps of a design process;

A2. identify and describe tools, strategies, and skills needed for project research, planning, and organization;

A3. demonstrate an understanding of how design ideas are represented graphically;

A4. explain the purpose of building models and prototypes, and identify tools, materials, and methods for building and testing them;

A5. demonstrate an understanding of communications methods used in the design process.


A1. Design Process

A1.1 describe the purpose of design for a given project (e.g., cleaner energy, cost-efficient products, smaller living spaces) in terms of key technological concepts (e.g., aesthetics, control, environmental sustainability/stewardship, ergonomics, fabrication, function, innovation, material, mechanism, power and energy, structure, safety, systems) (see pp. 5-6);

A1.2 identify the steps in a design process (e.g., define the problem or challenge, taking into account relevant contextual or background information; gather information about criteria, constraints, and available materials; generate possible solutions, using techniques such as brainstorming; choose the best solution; develop and produce a model or prototype; test the model or prototype; incorporate improvements or redesign and retest; report results) (see pp. 18-19).

A2. Research, Planning, and Organization

A2.1 identify sources of pertinent information for a project (e.g., libraries, the Internet, trade journals);

A2.2 identify appropriate methods, strategies, and tools for developing designs and for planning and organizing projects and related activities

(e.g., making sketches, creating a sequence chart, using tracking sheets and checklists, using organizers and/or file management software);

A2.3 investigate and list the skills and work habits needed for planning and organizing a particular project (e.g., problem solving, decision making, task planning, oral communication, finding information).

A3. Representing Design Ideas Graphically

A3.1 identify different methods for representing design ideas graphically (e.g., hand-drawn or computer-generated sketches, technical drawings);

A3.2 correctly use drafting standards, conventions (e.g., line types and weights, dimensioning, title block information, labelling), and tools (e.g., drafting curves, protractors, computer-aided design [CAD] or sketching software, templates);

A3.3 identify various types of technical drawings (e.g., orthographic, pictorial, detail, and rendered drawings; floor plans; elevations; sections).

A4. Making and Testing Models and Prototypes

A4.1 explain the purposes of building models and prototypes;

A4.2 identify a variety of tools and materials used for modelling and prototyping (e.g., tools: utility knife, CAD software, foam cutter, bandsaw; materials: composites, textiles, metals, clay, foam board);

A4.3 identify key criteria for assessing designs for a given project (e.g., functionality, size, weight, durability, aesthetics, cultural appropriateness);

A4.4 identify tools, equipment, and methods for testing and evaluating models and prototypes.

A5. Reporting and Presenting

A5.1 correctly use key technical terms and specialized language related to various design projects;

A5.2 describe a variety of methods for recording design ideas and documenting the progress of a design project (e.g., portfolio, journal, logs, sketchbook);

A5.3 identify a variety of presentation tools (e.g., LCD projector, interactive white board, webcast) used to communicate progress and results for a given design project.



By the end of this course, students will:

B1. research, plan, and organize projects, using a design process and appropriate methods and tools;

B2. apply appropriate methods for generating and graphically representing design ideas and solutions;

B3. create and test models using a variety of techniques, tools, and materials;

B4. use suitable communication methods throughout the design process.


B1. Research, Planning, and Organization

B1.1 gather and use pertinent information (e.g., on existing products, available materials, and other resources) for a variety of design challenges (e.g., human transportation device; locker organizer; light bulb remover; birchbark canoe, tikinagan, or other item made from local renewable resources);

B1.2 plan and organize projects and related activities, using a design process and appropriate methods and tools (e.g., sequence chart, tracking sheet, file management).

B2. Developing and Representing Design Ideas

B2.1 create freehand sketches of brainstormed design ideas, emphasizing key features (e.g., shapes, texture, materials, protrusions, unusual features);

B2.2 apply mathematical and scientific concepts and skills as required in the course of designing various products and/or processes;

B2.3 produce hand-drafted and/or computer-based technical drawings of design solutions, using standard drafting tools and conventions.

B3. Making and Testing Models and Prototypes

B3.1 use appropriate tools, equipment, and materials to create design models and/or prototypes (e.g., tools: rotary tool, bandsaw, fabric shears, CAD software; equipment: computer, sewing machine; materials: paper, wax, clay, wood, metals, composites, plastics, cardboard, starch, textiles);

B3.2 use appropriate measuring methods and scales (e.g., metric: 1:10, 1 cm:1 m or 1:100, 1:500; imperial: 1/2":1' or 1:24) when creating models and prototypes;

B3.3 assess models and/or prototypes on the basis of prescribed criteria (e.g., aesthetics, ergonomics, safety, efficiency, environmental impact).

B4. Reporting and Presenting

B4.1 create presentations and/or design briefs using a prescribed format to document proposed design solutions;

B4.2 report and reflect on their experience with the design process, using a suitable oral and/or written format (e.g., presentation, log, journal).



C1. demonstrate an understanding of environmentally responsible practices, and apply them throughout the technological design process;

C2. describe how society influences technological innovation and how technology affects society.


C1. Technology and the Environment

C1.1 identify environmental issues that affect technological design (e.g., global climate change, resource depletion, conservation, toxins);

C1.2 describe and apply best practices for conserving energy and other resources during the design process (e.g., use wood glue instead of hot glue, plan projects to make efficient use of materials and equipment, reuse and recycle prototype material).

C2. Technology and Society

C2.1 describe how society influences the development and use of technology (e.g., traffic congestion spurs development of compact vehicles; increasing population density leads to the construction of taller buildings; environmental awareness leads to increased use of alternative energy sources);

C2.2 describe how various technological innovations have affected quality of life (e.g., pesticides, internal combustion engines, plastics, on-demand water heaters, catalytic converters, nanotechnology, wireless communication).



D1. apply appropriate health, safety, and environmental practices throughout the design process;

D2. identify careers related to technological design, and the education and training required for them.


D1. Health and Safety

D1.1 identify health and safety regulations and standards that must be considered when designing products and/or processes (e.g., regulations and standards from the Canadian Standards Association, Ontario Building Code, and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System [WHMIS]);

D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of and follow personal and environmental health and safety procedures with respect to processes, materials, tools, equipment, and facilities throughout the design process and related activities (e.g., use protective equipment; set tool and equipment guards properly; ensure adequate ventilation and ergonomic seating and other workplace arrangements; follow safe operating procedures; keep work areas clean and organized; store materials and dispose of wastes properly).

D2. Career Opportunities

D2.1 identify a variety of career opportunities related to technological design (e.g., engineer, architect, engineering technician, industrial designer, landscape designer, fashion designer, interior designer);

D2.2 identify and compare the education and/or training required for various careers in technological design (e.g., degree, diploma, certificate, apprenticeship);

D2.3 identify groups and programs that are available to support students who are interested in pursuing non-traditional career choices in the technological design industry (e.g., mentoring programs, virtual networking/support groups, specialized postsecondary programs, relevant trade/industry associations);

D2.4 demonstrate an understanding of the Essential Skills that are important for success in the technological design industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., reading text, writing, document use, measurement and calculation);

D2.5 demonstrate an understanding of the work habits that are important for success in the technological design industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., working safely, teamwork, reliability, initiative, customer service, entrepreneurship);

D2.6 develop and/or select pieces of work and other materials that provide evidence of their skills and achievements in technological design, for inclusion in a portfolio (e.g., work logs, skills checklist, sketches, drawings, photographs of models and prototypes, virtual models).