Read in a text file named sums.txt containing the following data:
12 45 32
45 83 26
9 99 57
Produce an output similar to the following:
The sum of row 1 is: ??? which is an (odd or even) number
The sum of row 2 is: ??? which is an (odd or even) number
The sum of row 2 is: ??? which is an (odd or even) number
The sum of column 1 is: ??? which is an (odd or even) number
The sum of column 2 is: ??? which is an (odd or even) number
The sum of column 3 is: ??? which is an (odd or even) number
The sum of diagonal line 1 (top-left to bottom-right) is: ??? which is an (odd or even) number
The sum of diagonal line 2 (bottom-left to top-right) is: ??? which is an (odd or even) number