Functions Assignments
Create a python file with the following defined functions, each using the doc test method shown here. Submit to the appropriate handin folder.
def convert_to_celsius(fahrenheit)
returns the Celsius equivalent of the Fahrenheit temperature
def convert_to_fahrenheit(celsius)
returns the Fahrenheit equivalent of the Celsius temperature
def quadratic(a, b, c, x)
returns ax2+ bx + c
def absolute_value(n)
returns the absolute value of n
def triple(n)
returns n * 3
def convert_to_miles(km)
returns the number of miles given the kilometres
def convert_to_km(miles)
returns the number of kilometres given the miles
def avg_of_three(a,b,c)
returns the average of a, b, and c
def avg_of_top_three(a,b,c,d)
returns the average of the top 3 of a, b, c, d (using avg_of_three(), above)