Women's League

Not currently Active

Information & Links

Attention League Members:

League statisticians have requested that you...

(1) Use complete names on the first singles game of the scoresheet.

(2) Write neatly. (This is becoming a serious problem!)

(3) Turn in scoresheets on time.

These scoresheets are how you communicate wins/losses/stats to the statistician.  Please make sure you are following all rules and guidelines to ensure that scores are not delayed because of questionable sheets.

Important Reminders:


You must turn in your score sheet on time!

Section 6E of our bylaws states: "...If the statistician does not receive the score sheets from the designated Pub/Bar or from the team captain or from a member of that team by 6 PM the next night after a match, the offending (winning team) captain will lose 5 win points from their team standings..."  

Score sheets should be turned in by 6:00pm on Monday nights. So you do not have to track down the statistician, they can be turned in to the mailbox at Yesterday's.


You must pay for your sub!

Sub fees are due the night that the sub throws!  Please turn in appropriate payment to the darts mailbox at Yesterday's.  Be sure to put payment in a sealed and labeled envelope.