Sub & Scorekeeper Info
Sub & Scorekeeper Info
- Be on time.
- Have FUN!
- Sub fees are usually paid for by the absent team member or the team you are subbing with. You need to discuss this with the team you are subbing for.
- Sub fees must be paid for on the night the you throw. Fees must be turned in with the score sheet.
- A League Sub Fee: $2/night
- Beer & Pizza League Sub Fee: $2/night
- Mixed Doubles League Sub Fee: $2/night
- Subbing in the B/CS Dart League makes you a member of the League. You can:
- Attend the banquet
You need to abide by appropriate conduct while at the board:
- The scorekeeper is the official record keeper of the match. Be sure the thrower doesn't pull his/her darts until after you have marked the score.
- If darts are pulled before they are marked or double-checked by the thrower, the scorekeeper's marks are considered final.
- Do not interfere in any way with the members as they are throwing.
- Cell phones should be turned off.
- In cases where cell phones must be answered, scorekeeper should walk away from the boards to have their conversation, and a substitute scorekeeper can finish chalking the match.
- Do not carry on conversations with other people present at the match while you are at the board.
- Do not lean in to see what has been thrown:
- until all 3 darts have been thrown.
- unless the thrower asks you to look.
- Do not chalk any darts until all three are thrown.