President's Message

Good day everyone, I hope you enjoyed seeing your friends this year at the Conference with all necessary changes to keep everyone save. Thanks for Kamloops Lodge for their patience in hosting the Conference.

Congratulations to the new Executive and thank the Executive members that are leaving for their dedication to the order.


Communication creates energy and energy creates momentum. Please stand everyone - now turn to your neighbour and say "Hello neighbour, together we will work together as a team for the betterment of the Elks>' You may sit down. We have to stand behind what we believe this great Order is. This takes Teamwork. With technology today we have increased our capabilities to communicate with each other and our communities. Some Lodges are well known in their communities for the outstanding volunteer work promoting the Elks. We have to continue this in all communities.


In order to keep communication open we need teamwork. if we all take to heart of wanting the Elks to move forward we have to work together, no one can do it on their own. Science may set limits to knowledge but should not set limits one imagination. With teamwork, drive and effort we can move mountains - together Elks can achieve more.

I would ask that all Lodges send their information of ER/President, Secretary and Treasurer into the BC Elks office in order to bring our Directory up to date and allow better communication to the lodges on what we are doing. Feel free to communicate with me anytime with ideas, questions, problems or just a friendly chat.

Thank you for trusting me as your President, I promise to fulfill my duties to the best of my ability.

Barbara Gee, President, BC Elks Association