
British Columbia Elks Association

As the Provincial Association for the National Elks of Canada, we are a non-profit, volunteer based organization that fundraises for charitable purposes throughout British Columbia. From local sporting events to large scale donation drives, the members of the BC Elks Association have raised millions of dollars in our long history to improve local communities, assist individuals in need, and support other charitable causes.

The British Columbia Elks Association is a registered BC Society that represents and serves 45 Elks of Canada Lodges in British Columbia. Together with the over 1800 men and women in these Lodges, we share the common belief to promote and support community needs in British Columbia. As well as strive to be a recognizable volunteer organization focusing on helping children, communities and families by meeting members' needs through fraternal social activities.

If you are interested in joining the Elks, or are inquiring about how our Lodges can assist your cause, please contact us.

Elks Recreation Children's Camp Society

The Elks Recreation Children's Camp Society's purpose is to provide camping facilities for underprivileged, handicapped and special needs children as well as other groups of children who would not otherwise be able to attend a camp. Children need and should have opportunity to participate in social interactive activity in an atmosphere that will provide an individual child a chance to expand their horizons.

Currently there are three camps in operation and an average of about 4000 children who use the camps annually. The camps are Elkhaven on Denman Island, Elkgrove in Aldergrove and Elkcanoe in Salmon Arm. All of the camps are provided free of charge to organized groups of children as well as youth groups, are handicapped accessible and available 12 months of the year.

The camps are supported by generous contributions from Elks and Royal Purple Lodges throughout British Columbia.

The Society's objectives are: To promote mental, spiritual and physical development for children and youth throughout British Columbia and to continue providing camp facilities not available elsewhere for children and to maintain those facilities.

The Society is a registered charity. Receipts are provided for any donations received.

Donations can be mailed to:

Elks Recreation Children's Camp Society of B.C.

Unit 3 - 19299 - 94th Avenue

Surrey, BC

V4N 4E6