B. Poisson parameters

In the following example we illustrate the process discussed in part A for use of data to estimate parameters of a discrete Poisson distribution model. This data might cover for example home runs in a baseball game, fights in a bar on Saturday night, or red Volkswagens at a stoplight i.e. basically anything with many chances to happen but a small number of happenings on average.

I spent quite a bit of time with this in my search for solar flare tracks in interplanetary dust particles collected in the earth's stratosphere. In that application the selection of a prior-probablity was especially important.

For instance how would the expected track density be affected if, after years of work on a dozen nanogram-sized particles with two whole square microns of crystalline area, you managed to unambiguously detect a grand total of no tracks? Aside: This story had a happy ending, because further work resulted in their unambiguous identification.

steps to turn a distribution on its ear

Poisson-processes (i.e. processes which generate an occasional event that might have happened at many different points) are ubiquitous. For a Poisson-process H with mean-value (or event-rate per unit-interval) μ, the likelihood of measuring m events in that interval is:


You can always check if this likelyhood is well-behaved by making sure that it adds up to 1 when summed (or integrated) over all possible observation values (in this case all non-negative integer values of m). Summing event-number m (and m2) times this probability over the range of m-values says that a rate of μ events per interval predicts a detected-event average±std-dev of <m>±σm = μ±√μ.

Symmetry of our always positive mean event-rate μ suggests that for our Poisson-process example we might adopt an improper Jeffreys-prior weight[11] of 1/μ. In other words:


As long as at-least one event has been detected, range-limits on this prior-probability assignment to make it normalizable may not be needed.

For our Poisson-process example, this says given an interval observation of m counts that the differential-probability (per unit μ) for a mean interval count-rate μ is plausibly:


Integrating rate-parameter μ (and μ2) times this differential probability over the range of μ-values says that m observed events predicts a rate-parameter average±std-dev of <μ>±σμ = m±√m.

For our Poisson-model example this suggests that the probability of an observation of m2 counts in the next interval, given an observation of m1 in the first, is (provided m1 > 0) therefore:


In other words, the model-probability of seeing 3 events in the second interval after seeing 5 events in the first is p[3|5,H] = 35/256 ≈ 0.136719. If no objects were detected in the first interval, i.e. if m1 = 0, a more careful look at plausible upper/lower limits on the Jeffreys prior may be warranted.

Should continued observations not track such expectations, then a new model may need to be selected. Quantitative approaches to model-selection (in life as well as in physical sciences) as distinct from parameter-estimation are discussed elsewhere in this web space.

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