
nannies against covid & nannies against p

Project Manager 2018 & 2022 | Ngā Kairauhii

A collective of marae in Heretaunga and their "Nannies" a.k.a. Kuia, advocated for healthier whānau. Projects were funded by the Ministry of Health and included several initiatives delivered through the marae to support kaumatua and whānau to overcome the effects of P and keep healthy in the face of the spread of covid-19 in our communities.

Waimārama Reo Strategy

Project Director 2018 - 2019 | Waimārama Māori Committee

Te Mātāwai funded projects to evaluate the Waimārama Reo Strategy 2002-2027, produce inspiring tools for Waimārama hapū to engage or continue in the development of Te Reo Māori in the home and at the marae, and to lead the language planning development to realise hapū aspirations for excellence and use of Te Reo Māori.

Ko Te Marae te Matatiki

Project Manager 2014 - 2017 | Ngā Kairauhii

A Ministry of Health Te Ao Auahatanga Maori Health Innovation contract was secured for Ko te Marae te Matatiki, which is a health innovation project that supports marae to develop health and wellbeing solutions for their whānau and hapū. It involved Marae Health Champions supporting lifestyle changes for whānau and assisting whānau to make linkages to appropriate service providers.

Māori Outstanding Natural Landscapes

Project Manager 2012 Hastings District Council

This project involved a review of the HDC Outstanding Natural Landscapes report (1996) and to identify any cultural impacts of the report on Maori values. To consult with mana whenua with regard to outstanding landmarks and give recommendations to HDC going forward.

Waste Water Treatment Plant

Cultural Impact Assessment Manager 2012 | Hastings District Council

Cultural Impact Assessment for the renewal of the resource consent of the East Clive Waste Water Plant. Involves consulting with marae/ hapu and whanau about potential impacts to cultural values and the environment and then presenting these recommendations to HDC.

Whakatu Arterial

Cultural Advisor 2012 & 2015-2017 | Hastings District Council

Whakatu Arterial Project was a four-month enquiry by design process for a new arterial linking state highway 2 and the express way with the objective of improving transportation links between Whakatu and the Port of Napier. My role was to support the seven public consultation hui for this kaupapa as well as being part of the Enquiry by Design process supporting the stakeholder/ community group work through the process. Cultural issues were at the forefront of this process as there were Waahi Tapu and Maori Land sensitivities that needed to be addressed as part of the enquiry.

Wellbeing projects

Project Manager 2009-2012 Ngā Kairauhii

Nga Kairauhii Trust was established in 1999 as a Marae response to the lack of services available to support the needs and aspirations of Marae/ Hapu. Nga Kairauhii is a collective of Marae in Heretaunga: Omahu, Runanga, Te Awhina, Matahiwi, Waimarama and Mihiroa who support and advocate for and on behalf of marae. Our research paper (Ko te Marae te Matatiki) led to the development of initiatives to support the recommendations. These include the KHW Marae Wellbeing Project, Whare Oranga (Primary Care services on Marae) and Ka Hao te Rangatahi (Marae Maintenance and Administration). To make all this happen we collaborated with key agencies such as Hawke's Bay DHB, Te Puni Kokiri, Ministry Social Development, Hastings District Council, Te Oranga Health HB PHO, Maori Health Providers and Marae.

Marae Wellbeing

Project Manager 2009 - 2012 |Kahungunu Hikoi Whenua

Promoting Healthy lifestyles among whanau and developing Marae based initiatives that support healthy eating, physical activity and smoke free kaupapa. The project was part of a larger Kahungunu Hikoi Whenua population health programme encouraging Ngati Kahungunu to make the healthy choice to prevent the onset of chronic diseases such heart disease, diabetes etc. It supported over 35 Marae develop Whanau Ora initiatives within Kahungunu (including Maara Kai, Wananga, Physical Activity programmes, Kaumatua programmes, Rangatahi Programmes etc.) This district-wide initiative aimed to influence our whanau at home, work and play and included a number of coordinated projects to ensure these communities are included.

Kai in the Bay (Māori & Wild Food Festival)

Chair/Trustee 2010-2012 | He Pataka Hauora Trust

A one day event to highlight and promote the best of Maori and Wild Foods from around Aotearoa. The inaugural festival was held in 2010 and has the potential to be a regular highlight on the Hawke's Bay Events Calander. The event raises awareness of Diabetes and impacts on whanau Maori. A range of cooking demonstrations and workshops entertain and feed whanau throughout the day. Kai in the Bay was supported by a number of sponsors including Ngati Kahugnunu Iwi Inc., Te Puni Kokiri, BNZ Bank and Unison Networks.

Te Wheke Whānau Ora

Project Manager 2009-2012 Nga Kaitiaki Hauora o Waikaremoana

Nga Kaitiaki Hauora o Waikaremoana (NKHOW) was one of 32 NZ-wide successful applicants to the Te Auahatanga Maori Innovation programme. The project utilises Te Wheke Model of Wellbeing as the foundation to support whanau ora in Waikaremoana, implementing a holistic model of care to improve health and wellbeing outcomes of whanau, hapu and iwi.