Mission 3: Clan Assault

            The command company cheered as Taggart's voice, relayed via laser by the fighters in orbit, came over the comm.  “It's official,” he said.  “They can be beaten.”

            Updates came in from Bravo and Charlie companies as well.  Charlie's enemy force had come upon an under-strength lance of Skye Ranger stragglers.  When Charlie joined the fight, the Clan 'Mechs were crushed between the two Inner Sphere forces.  Bravo was still stalking its prey.

            The lance Charlie had saved was carrying dispossessed comrades.  That's ten million, thought Geoff.  It ashamed him to think of human lives in this way, but such was the mercenary's lot.

            Kara Adams, commander of the aerospace force, came over the speakers.  “Colonel, I've got bad news.  We've just spotted a group of fifteen Clan 'Mechs headed your way.  Apparently that larger enemy force has decided to mobilize.”

            Geoff brought up the position of the enemy force on his strategic map.  He didn't have long.  There was a small aerospace group approaching from orbit as well.

            “I'm only seeing four fighters in support.”

            “I can confirm that, sir.  They may not have spotted our fighters, at least not all of them.”

            “All right.  Intercept those fighters, then get back here as fast as you can.  We'll need air support if we're going to hold off this attack.  And patch me through to Taggart's companies.”


            “A, B and C companies, return to base.”

            “Bravo here, sir.  The group we've been tailing is linking up with one of the other search parties.  It looks like the other search group has found some Rangers.  This could be the biggest group of survivors.”

            “All right.  You won't get here in time to help, anyway.  Stay on your targets and hit them from behind when they go after the Rangers.”

            “Yes, sir.”

            “Clan 'Mechs on the ridge,” said one of the tank commanders.  “God damn, look at those things.”

            Geoff squeezed his cross and shunted power to his Gauss rifle's magnets.

            Another transmission.  “Adams here, sir.”

            “Yes, Captain?”

            “Those enemy birds are nasty.  We lost one fighter, but we took them all out.  Don't know why they only sent four.  Heading for your position now at full thrust.  The Sparrowhawks will arrive first.”

            “We'll try and hold them until you get here.  Fly fast, Kara.  I don't like our chances here without support.”

            “Just hold on tight.  Sparrowhawk lance should reach you in one minute, the rest of us not long after.”


PLAYER: Excaliburs

ENEMY: JadeFalcon

OBJECTIVE: Eliminate all enemy units.  Kenner's Excalibur and the DropShip must survive.

NOTE: Kenner has the Sniper special pilot ability.