Mission 6: The Bridge

Geoff's radio lit up with a transmission from the new infantry commander, Carla Sinclair.

"We're in sight of the river bridge, Colonel," said Sinclair.  "It's bad news.  Two lances of Capellan 'Mechs have it covered.  No way my infantry can take it, even with cover from our Goblins."

Bad news indeed, Geoff thought.  The main body of Grenadier armor was on the far side of that bridge, with a battalion of heavy tanks closing in to cross there.  If those tanks made it across the bridge, the main body of Excaliburs would be in for a tough fight.

Nini Khumalo came on the other channel.  "My command lance is twelve minutes away.  How soon will the tanks cross?"

Geoff checked the strategic display.  "You'll arrive before the first column, but not by much."

"We'll have to blow out the bridge fast, then."

He fought for a moment against the urge to order her to withdraw instead.  The commander in him knew the right call was to attack, to take the risk--even though it was Nini whose life was at risk.

"Go," he said.


PLAYER: Excaliburs

ENEMY: Grenadiers

Khumalo's command lance and Sinclair's mechanized infantry company must knock out a heavy-duty bridge before Capellan tanks have the chance to cross.

OBJECTIVE: Destroy the bridge, then destroy all Grenadier units on the near side of the bridge.

NOTE: Khumalo has the Melee Specialist and Melee Master special abilities (her physical attacks have a bonus to hit and she makes an extra physical attack whenever she punches or kicks).


Born in 3004 in Cape Town, South Africa, Nini Khumalo joined the Com Guard to satisfy her lifelong fascination with BattleMechs and the military.  Like many Terran-born Excaliburs, she pines for a home she never expects to see again, as well as for her husband, Edwin, assassinated by ROM.  Although a skilled gunner, her greatest gift in the cockpit is hand-to-hand combat.  She considers her Black Knight the perfect 'Mech for her fighting style and would never consider piloting another.  As CO of Second Battalion, she is third in command of the Excaliburs.  She also is an amateur scholar, well-versed in the history of war, and spends much of her spare time tinkering with a manuscript on the principles of 31st Century armored warfare.

Special Skills: Melee Master (may make an extra punch or kick attack)