Excaliburs: About

The Excaliburs Saga is a single-player, story-driven campaign for MegaMek.  In a sense it is a work of BattleTech fan fiction combined with a series of MegaMek scenarios that allow the reader to play out the major battles in the story rather than just read about them.  The idea is to combine the single-player campaign mode of a game like StarCraft or The Crescent Hawks' Revenge with the feel of the BattleTech novels.

The story will follow the Excaliburs, a mercenary unit, from its inception in 3035 until the late 3060s.  This is not an average unit.  It's an elite unit, like the Kell Hounds or the Gray Death Legion, that helps make Inner Sphere history.  (That history will essentially follow the BattleTech canon until the year 3060, when some significant departures will begin to appear.)The author is Trailblazer, an off-and-on BattleTech player since 1994 and a long-time fan of the setting.  He also publishes science fiction under another pen name.  If you have any questions about the Excaliburs Saga or any of his other work, feel free to leave a comment on this page!