Mission 1: Final Exam

(NOTE to the reader: If you haven't read the Epilogue to Part One, Part Two won't make much sense.)



“Damn it,” said Dan.  He peeled off his fencing mask and wiped his forehead on his sleeve.  “Damn it, Dom.  He's up one.”

Dominick Harris smacked him lightly on the shoulder.  “You only need two to win.”

“Yeah, and Forbesie needs half that.”

“But look at the bastard.” 

Dan did.  Simon Forbes-Davion was high-fiving his coach.  “He knows he has it,” said Dan.

“That means he'll push.  I've seen him like this before.  He's too tired to move well, but he won't pay attention to that, and he's slower than you in the first place.  Back out of reach.  He'll go for the attack and come up short.”

“Just like that, eh, Dom?”

“When you learn how to beat me, you can question my judgment then.  Your minute's up.  Go do what I told you.”

Might as well, thought Dan.  I'm too exhausted to think for myself.  He returned to the strip and saluted Forbes-Davion with his saber.  Forbesie returned the salute and they went on guard.

All right.  Just work.  Just two more.

Allez,” said the director, and Forbes-Davion charged.

Dan retreated, not at full speed, but fast enough.  He held his arm forward a little and Forbesie lunged.  Dan pulled back, then lunged himself.  The buzzer went off.  Forbesie screamed at the director, as sabermen are wont to do, but this time Dan didn't even have the energy to yell.

“Halt,” said the director.  “Attack from my left is no, counterattack arrives.  Touch right.  Mr. Kenner has four-four.  Fencers on guard.”

The crowd hushed intently.  Forbes whacked his blade against the floor in frustration.  Dan glanced at Dom, who nodded.  Same thing again?  OK, Dom.  Your call.

Allez.”  Again Forbes came on as fast as he could.  Dan backed away.  The attack came, and Dan followed with his own lunge.  This time he yelled as loud as his opponent when the buzzer sounded.

“Attack-no, counterattack.  Bout, Kenner.”

Dan let out his breath.  It really was as simple as Dom had said.  Removing his mask, he saluted Forbesie and held out his hand.  But the nobleman turned his back on Dan, whipped his mask off and kicked it away.

Everyone looked at the director.  “Sir?” said Dom after a moment's silence.

The director sighed and pulled a black card from his pocket.  “Mr. Forbes-Davion forfeits his place.  Silver will go to the winner of the bronze medal bout.”

Dom shook Dan's hand.  “A little justice!”

“Asshole nobles think they can get away with anything,” said Dan in a low voice.

“Everywhere else, they can.  But not here.”

APRIL 3048

Dan waved a handful of crumpled flyers in his roommate's face.  "We can't have this shit in here, Dom."  WE DESERVE THE VOTE, the sheets read.  "I'm already persona non grata with my drill sergeant.  If he sees these, I'll be doing suicides from now until graduation."

Dominick Harris waved him away lazily.  "Come on.  It's perfectly legal.  And you're as much of a republican as I am."

"But they don't need to know that," said Dan, gesturing upward at the powers-that-be.  "It's not the same for you civvies.  Sarge can search my stuff any time he wants.  These could get me blacklisted and packed off to some march militia."

"We can't have that," said Dom.  "Not when you could be earning glory killing Snakes."

Dan thought of Ben Wabash.  "I'd rather go to the Capellan front, actually."

"Fine," said Dom.  "I'll have Melinda keep the propaganda in her room.  As long as you promise to try out the VX-71 on the simulator exam tomorrow."

"That's asking a lot, Dom.  This test is a big deal, and since I can pick any 'Mech I want, they'll make it a nightmare to beat.  I was thinking of taking a Banshee-S or a Stalker."

"The VX-71 can beat a Stalker.  Take it, trust me."

"I don't know, man.  A sixty-tonner?"

"We've talked about this.  Once you get the triple-strength myomer up to speed, they won’t be able to touch you."  Dom laughed at his hesitation.  "Don't be a pussy.  Try the 'Mech, or I'm reporting you to the NAMA commandant as an anti-monarchist subversive."

"Whatever.  Fine.  I'll be your guinea pig."

"Trust me.  You're going to beat Kai Allard's score."


PLAYER: Kenner


OBJECTIVE: Eliminate all enemy 'Mechs on the board.

NOTE: The VX-71 is equipped with Triple-Strength Myomer.



This unusual design is the result of Dominick Harris's senior engineering project.  As of 3047, it exists only in virtual form as a set of electronic blueprints and a simulator ROM.  Harris's goal in designing the VX-71 was to explore the potential of the new triple-strength myomer system, together with cutting-edge design components like the extra-light engine and new armor and structure composites.