Becoming a Library Prefect


To answer the question above; A Library Prefect is a Defender of the Library. That boy or girl who's glaring at you when you KNOW you've been a bit too loud. You may see a girl scanning the shelves, making sure that every book is in its correct position. You may not see two boys at a computer, download games, or browsing Facebook.

The above mentions and much more are involved in being a Library Prefect.

If you are a student in form two or three and love serving, then GUESS what we need... you.


To apply or sign up for this program; click the button below, fill in the necessary details, and click the submit button.

What would be your role? | Clarifying the Role of the Prefect:

You will be scheduled to serve in various areas such as; at the circulation desk, assisting with requests from students, and you’ll also be assigned a particular section of the Library that will be your responsibility to care for.

  1. Promote the purpose of the library to students

  2. Mobilize support for activities and events

  3. Report various action to the members of staff

  4. Assist in the various operations; e.g. Preparing & Mounting of displays, videotaping of events and taking photos, etc.

  5. Monitor student movement and behaviour

  6. Distributing overdue notices

  7. Updating the library’s blog and social network presence

  8. Involved in sharing ideas for events

  9. Tidying the library at the end of the various lunch shift

Note: Prefects do not have the POWER to PUNISH

A person applying to become a library prefect must...

  1. Understand that a library prefect is a volunteer or an official helper You are NOT a member of staff, so do not confuse the roles.

  2. It is your duty to assist students with finding resources.

  3. Assist in maintaining a level of order and discipline.

  4. To maintain as a top priority the tidiness of the shelving.

  5. Ensure that students are not loitering or standing idly in the lanes.

  6. Be pro-active…remember you are the initiator of change.

All prefects who wish to become “School Prefects” must resign their position formally in writing.