
Motorized Barometric Vacuum Pump

Armankhah Vacuum Spreading Co. is our company formed to support production and selling different types of Motorized Barometric Vacuum Pump.

Motorized Barometric Vacuum Pump is in fact a special piston vacuum pump the novel mechanical design of which causes the vacuum is increased up to its final reachable one while the electric motor has no need to consume so much energy to overcome one atmosphere pressure is each strike. So, for relatively high pumping speeds we need no so powerful electric motor (as instance for evacuation speed of 100 m3/h an electric motor of 1 hp suffices). This matter will decrease energy consumption in the vacuum pump considerably in comparison with the usual cases having similar output.

Another notable feature of this kind of vacuum pump is ease in its setting up and working with it and in its repair and maintenance.

As its sidelong advantage, there has been anticipated a possibility in it which will enable the user to increase the vacuum quality (from its nominal vacuum quality) up to near high vacuum (in the range of better than one millibar) in a system using two types of this kink of pump, without any decrease in pumping speed.

Specifications of the medium model of Motorized barometric vacuum Pump:

Pumping speed: 63 m3/h (1050 lit/min)

Least reachable pressure: under 5 millibar (under 3.75 Torr, or 0.5 kPa, or 0.072 psi)

Consumed power: Three phase, 1 hp

Weight: 93 kilograms

Dimensions: 40×50×60 (centimeter)

Used oil: Ordinary hydraulic oil

1-year warranty, and 15-years after sales service

Delivery time: 1 month after purchase agreement

Price: 30000000 Rials

Watch a short film of the work of this vacuum pump HERE

Note: There is the possibility of ordered designing and production of this kind of vacuum pump for necessary (high) pumping speed (but with this same least reachable pressure). Contact us in this respect.

We are ready to participate in mass production of this kind of pump

Hamid V. Ansari





“Motorized Barometric Vacuum Pump” is a new kind of vacuum pump. This is in fact a piston vacuum pump which is ideally able to yield a vacuum of order 1 torr because of using two exclusive parameters in it, one being in relation to its mechanical and electric vacuum valves and the other being the sealing system of submerging in oil (while these two are meanwhile very simple in manufacturing and their mechanisms), and this is while the piston structure of the pump and its routine and simple mechanical and electric components maintains the price of the pump low considerably in comparison with other kinds of vacuum pumps having similar capabilities. (You can see some theoretical and practical features of this kind of pump HERE.)

R & D section of the company is following a comprehensive plan to verify the possibility of increasing the vacuum quality of this kind of pump under certain practical conditions. With applying this plan, degassing of oil under vacuum will be prevented, and this will be simultaneous with the electric control of the vacuum valve. So, vacuum quality will be increased up to high vacuum (pressure in the order of thousandth of millibar) while the pumping speed will not have any decrease.