Drumcliffe Parish

Drumcliffe Parish in the northern part of County Sligo was home to many families, including Barber, Gregg, Payne, Henry, Hudson, etc. The Parish Church at Drumcliffe has a cemetery with gravestones and records of these families. The Drumcliffe Graveyard page will contain many of those records and photos of gravestones. Here is a map of the townlands in Drumcliffe Parish. Those highlighted in yellow are townlands that had Barber families between 1700-1900 AD.

For an excellent source of historical information on the Drumcliffe Parish, please read Stella Durand's book "Drumcliffe Parish, The Church of Ireland Parish in its North Sligo Setting", 2000, ISBN 1 873437 19 6.

Click below for further information on Griffiths Valuation of 1858 for Drumcliffe Parish, also for Baptism and Marriage records.