Drumcliffe Church

Photos and historical information about the Church of Ireland at Drumcliffe also known as St. Columba's are provided here. For more information, contact Archdeacon Andrew Forster, The Rectory , Drumcliffe, Co. Sligo

Tel: (071) 63125

Fax:(071) 40273

Email: drumcliffe@elphin.anglican.org

A monastry was founded by St. Columcille here in 574 AD. The visible remains of the monastic site are the High Cross, the Round Tower and the plain Cross shaft. The carvings on the cross depict biblical scenes including Adam and Eve, Daniel in the lions den, the crucifixion and Christ in majesty on the Day of Judgement.

Drumcliffe Church in 1997

The Celtic High Cross at St. Columba's (Drumcliffe Church) was probably built around 1100 A.D.

St. Columba's Church at Drumcliffe

Grave of the Irish Poet William Butler Yeats

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