Barbers of Carney

The earliest Barber births recorded in Carney were:

Christopher Barber, born 1805

Joseph Barber, born 1806

Harrison Barber, born 1809

Harrison Barber, born 1810

Matthew Barber, born 1814

The earliest Barber burials recorded in Drumcliffe were:

John Barber, July 4, 1817, Age 84, Carney, Register Book 1, p. 34, Entry 264

Raymond Patrick Barber, June 21, 1915, 15 mths, Carney, Book 3, p. 15, Entry 128

Evelyn Mary Barber, March 25, 1921, Age 11, Carney, Book 3, p. 22, Entry 176

John Lipsett Barber, Dec. 13, 1939, Carney, Book 3, p. 41, Entry 323

No 1858 Griffiths Valuation record of any Barber in either Carney (Jones or O'Beirne) townland.

No 1901 Census record of any Barber in either Carney townland.

No 1911 Census record of any Barber in either Carney townland.

In the 1911 Census, there are Barbers in Carney DED but more specifically in the townlands of Barnarobin and Cartronmore.

If you have more data, photographs or stories, please send to wjbarbernh <at>