Adv Micro: Sep 2017

The CURRENT website for Advanced Microeconomics I is: Adv Micro 2018 -- -- The lectures are essentially the same, but the new website is designed to be updated, and has been cleansed of extraneous materials.

This is the original website for the course, maintained for historical value, which contains materials for the older version of the course, offered in Sep 2017. In addition to 30 lectures AM01 to AM30 on Advanced Micro I - it also contains lecture L0 to L25 on an older version of OLD Advanced Micro II - This OLD version was a mix of Micro Macro and Polanyi, because it was a followup to a standard type Micro I course.

CURRENT STUDENTS: Please go to NEW WEBSITE: Adv Micro 2018

Website for Advanced Microeconomic I - offered Sep 2017 at PIDE.

This is the Homepage Advanced Micro 1 (based on Hill & Myatt: Anti-Textbook) PIDE in Sep 2017

See Link for Advanced Micro II (based on Polanyi; PIDE Jan-May 2017)

See Link for Advanced Micro II -- Experimental Economics & ABM, Feb-Jun 2018

Macroeconomics Course at PIDE: Sep- 2018 to Jan 2019

This is the homepage for Advanced Microeconomics 1, offered at PIDE Sep 12, 2017 - Jan 12, 2018. This was a radical course, in which we explain why ALL concepts currently taught in Standard Microeconomics Courses all over the world are wrong. We also explain how these problems can be fixed. The lectures are listed in sequence on the LEFT-HAND PANEL. THis page is AM00. The first introductory lecture is AM01 and so on. Each page for a lecture contains the video recording of the lecture as well as the PPT slides (which provide a outline and summary). Linked readings, and sometimes transcript of the lecture and summaries are also available.

Advanced Micro II was taught in the previous semester. It has some overlap with this course, but also has substantial differences. See link for the lectures and supporting materials: LINK

The MAIN textbook for this course will be Hill Myatt's Economics Anti-Textbook (attached below)

Link to FACEBOOK Group for this course.

Please JOIN Google Group: AZ Research Group, to access resources

SHORTLINK to homepage for this course on my personal website:

Course Islamic Economics (

SAME COURSE on my personal website - Organized somewhat differently, hopefully somewhat better, with precise summaries of each lecture

Hill & Myatt Ant-Textbook Microeconomics - Copy accessible to members of AZ Research Group or IIIE Research Group

Fred Lee: teaching heterodox - Lengthy article surveys the literature and provides guides to core heterodox curriculum

ET1%- Economic Theory of the top 1% - Main goal of course is to prove modern economic theory ONLY serves the interests of the top 1%

Complement to Hill & Myatt Anti-Textbooks - ADDS some information and critical remarks

Central Importance of META-THEORY - This course takes a Meta-Theoretical Approach. Post explains why this is necessary.

Book Review of Hill & Myatt - Huff Post: Anti Textbook