Guidelines for Use

Congress Springs Park

Glenbrae Drive, Saratoga, CA


Do not leave a car in the drop-off zone at the end of the parking lot or in front of the snack shack. Park in the parking lots next to the fields or next to the train tracks. If these are full, park on the city streets. Be careful not to block driveways or fire hydrants.

Field Numbers:

Field “1” is closest to Glen Brae Dr and field “7” is farthest away.

Pets Are Not Permitted:

Please leave all pets at home. Referees may stop games until pets are removed.

Coaches and Spectators:

Only referees are to be between the field and the sound wall.

Coaches should stay in the Technical Area marked at each field.

Spectators are to stay beyond the orange spectator lines. Teams and spectators should be on the street side of fields 1 & 2.


City bathrooms are available for practices and games. The doors lock automatically after sunset. There is a switch inside that will unlock the door if someone is inside.

There is a non-flush “Outhouse” near field 6. Do not put paper towels or other trash in the toilet. It will clog the pumps when it is cleaned.

Please keep the facilities neat and clean.

Field Conditions:.

If the general field condition is OK for practices, avoid soft, wet or worn spots in the grass.

Teams cannot move the goals for games or practices.

Report any safety issues (gopher holes, bees, etc) to the Safety Commissioner ASAP.

Game day field status will be updated before 8:00AM.


Always leave the field as clean, if not cleaner, than you found it.