Volunteer Information

AYSO relies almost entirely on volunteer efforts. For our region, all of our board members, referees, coaches and snack shack staff are volunteers, as well as those that maintain our facilities. We are an "All Volunteer" organization. However, "All Volunteer" also means that we rely on each family to volunteer to help the region. Without volunteers, we would not be able to have a league. 

If you are interested in helping, for certain roles you need to register as a volunteer online. See our registration information page on how to register to volunteer. For certain positions, the information page will also states what is required with respect to training and background checks.

For youth referee or youth assistant coach volunteers, a parent must sign the Concussion Awareness form that is printed when you print a copy of the volunteer form. Please note: the only volunteer role that Blue Sombrero will offer for youths is that of youth referee - even if the youth is going to be an assistant coach, select youth referee.

Volunteers must register every year. In addition, every year all registered volunteers must take the Safe Haven training. The registration information page has more information on Safe Haven. The Safe Haven course is offered in English and Spanish.

Volunteer Positions

Besides board members, coaches and referees, we have the need for volunteers to help with:

High school students can earn Community Service hours by volunteering. They can do a variety of roles: youth referees, food servers, field preparations, field relining, handling trash and even being an assistant coach.

Volunteer Positions Requiring Online Registration

There are certain roles where volunteers are mandated to register online for: