
We are 100% volunteer run, which means when you register your child, we depend on you to dedicate some of your time to make the season the best it can be for your child.

But, I don't have enough time!

We have volunteer opportunities for ALL time commitments. Just fill out our survey below and we'll find something for you to do during the season, even if you only have a few hours to spare one time during the season.

But, I don't know anything about soccer!

AYSO provides training to our coaches and referees so you learn everything you need to know! (remember, it's about fun, learning, player development and sportsmanship- no college scholarships will be given out, we promise) Otherwise, you can always volunteer for one of our positions that don't require any soccer knowledge. 

I see something that can be better!

We know there is always space for improvement. If you see something that needs to change, please submit a suggestion on the suggestion survey below- in this survey we will also be asking you how you think YOU can help us with that improvement.

Our volunteer pool is very small at this time, as is our volunteer board.  Please be patient and kind and help us make it better by taking ACTION. 

Let's all join together to keep our little Prunedale AYSO a great, community-built resource.

What are your most needed positions?

Our most needed positions include (as of June 2023):

a. Treasurer

b. Registrar

c. CVPA (Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate)

d. Volunteer Coordinator

e. Secretary

How do I register as a volunteer on Blue Sombrero?

There are instructions on how to register as a coach, referee, team parent, or board member on Blue Sombrero HERE. Please fill out the volunteer survey below and wait for contact from us before completing your background check or livescan fingerprint.

To get to the Blue Sombrero site to register please click HERE.

I am currently a volunteer and I have questions. 

Please visit our Volunteer Resource Page (currently under construction).