Early History

Early Metro Detroit Chapter History

The American Wine Society was formed in 1967. We do not know if the Metro Detroit Chapter was an original chapter, but there is a record of a meeting in the Spring 1969 National Newsletter of a Michigan Chapter meeting that refers to some members by name. (This is the first known record and was obtained from National AWS records through the courtesy of John Hames.)

Another early leader was Margo Jackisch who was Executive Secretary for the National Society. She chaired the national conference held at the Dearborn Inn in 1973. Her husband, Phil, was a winemaker and authored a book in 1985, "Modern Winemaking", which is still available.

Many members made wine and all enjoyed the companionship of others in the pursuit of good food and wine. Karl Bailey was a principal member, a respected agricultural agent who had a French hybrid vineyard. Much wine was made from his grapes, and there were picnics held at his estate.

Home winemakers had frequent competitions within the chapter as well as entries in the annual Michigan State Fair contest.

The tradition of a Holiday Sparkling Wine Tasting where members brought appetizers began early in our history. The tradition continues to the present. Recipe books such as this one were printed in many years.

This Recipe Book from 1980 can be viewed and downloaded using the link below. There are 26 recipes, reflecting the large attendance at this event. The names of the chefs are a partial member list for that time.