
The Arch Presidents welcome all Seekers of Truth from within the Masonic fraternity. Accordingly, they invite the submission of Expressions of Interest in membership from any Master Mason of a Masonic Lodge under a Grand Lodge recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England.

Use the link underneath to open a PDF document outlining all required details for an Expression of Interest. This is an uneditable PDF which must be downloaded, completed by hand before and posted, or scanned and emailed directly to the Order (the form provides submission details, as does the 'Contact Us' page). Your Expression of Interest is to be accompanied by a copy of your Craft (Master Mason's) Certificate or current Dues Card, for USA-based brethren.

Click here for the PDF Expression of Interest form.

Please note: any decision to accept or reject an Expression of Interest is the sole prerogative of the Arch Presidents, and every decision is final. Brethren submitting an Expression of Interest will be sent an email reply, typically within three months, but please expect to wait at least six months for a decision to be made and communicated.Â