The Separation

(separation or keeping the marriage in existence while the two spouses are physically separated.)

"the house with no roof, the house with no heaven, the house with no seed for her house is only separated to our own that is adopted and to be given unto God's only possession. which will be brought to the hand of God. by keeping the marriage in existence while the two physically separated."

"the likeness of many or the rains under the heavens that remain open as the Rainbows bows down in the highest heavens to trust and remind Us our day to Noah. for the world cannot heal the hurt of divorce but it can mend the separated onto his own marriage to be trusted."

"trust for the light is under the harden of the moon as the light is among the gods in Heaven. for our heaven shall awaken the highest of the high to laugh and cry together. if we will own up to our own mistakes and offences to be against one is unheard of but if we combine the heave with our own children will it be the same for tomorrow. why is the order of tomorrow against another? for the willing and the absent shall also become trust and child."

"the first is Her light that is let inside and the first of whom to let go under the times we reunite it's fading into each others hearts encircled. when we become the chase and the other marriage will we become renewed. we separate for peace and remain for the same house of the children for ours and the the others. let the rain seperate the good and the bad times in peace to remember for tomorrow, for the love to separate to peace and willing hearts trusted for another who holds yours closely."