The House

The foundation is set from the beginning in trusted to the whole house's beginning whether it's made straight or crooked from the work of the land or heaven above to be in state of repair or negligence. for a house built half done is never complete. for the day is not without a prophet unto the lord of host and unto the lord of remains and to the lord of it's beginning to see fit what was and shall be to now.

"the house is first of an honest truth for her days are many pure while our house is open. the day to fall is not the day to know all things are created equal. another truth opens with the wisdom we have found in Us to be as the walk of life taken to another miracle mile."

"the earth is blessed for the latter day saints to welcome each other in new sects of Johoab and Joseph. when the Latter Days of men become host and the chariot of God's heaven then will man reunite in the Latter Days."

"the underbelly of the New Heaven is for every day in her womb and back of her bones ripple and curve as the day crosses the roads of ends ever to be a crossing of His own desire or the fires of man in heat. for one will never hold the fires of God's light if the house will be divided."