Three Reasons

The reasons why men fight, the hope of their own weakness to gain strong faith. the first of the light reaches for it's tree and the tree shares the strength of the others to grow from and around the days combined unto its children. thus will be the nights praise for another day within. to trust their own outreaching for God's house to mend the hearts of others within times of freedom. for all things have it's purpose.

"if one should laugh out loud to himself praise him for the heavens came to the breath that was holding back. but if one follows the others cry then hold by your own heart to be as they when it happens through you. ill hold the bread if the money buys us in the heavens, because if you would give the heaven tomorrow then heaven remains near you."

"why cry unto the lost and found when they only feel sadness. or why would a man or woman cry if no one cared. for if a man or woman leads himself or herself astray then be glad for the tears of that man and woman, for even drop of water can cure the heart in pain to be loneliness. from here nor there shall the heart search a new until the Father combines the two heavens in each other hearts to be taken with or without God's blessing."

"the house of God renews the heart if one shall be broken, for God does not lead the worthy only to Himself but to the ones that smash to and fro the rocks beneath as the harbor arises again. WHY DO I BEGIN AGAIN FROM THE SAME PLACE. because it's your day coming? no it's not the time to remain one with heaven for thee, for the One in me is the father."