6. a blink of an eye - in progress work

mixed media performance                                                                                                                                                                                                

"Hi! This is me. I started on the edge but now I am pulled in the middle. Nothing new. I know this. I do this all the time. I am good at this. I have been doing it forever. My body does it automatically. I’m not here anymore. Nevertheless I do it again and again… I was told to do it like this…it’s almost embarrassing…maybe I would do it differently but I have no time to change now. I am lying here."

" ...a focused, funny and extremely engaging piece. interaction between live performers and recorded media can often be stilted and forced but in a blink of an eye, this very difficult device is extremely successful and, very importantly, it feels necessary.the ultimate meeting/merging of the two worlds is achieved in a breath-taking moment and leaves the watcher questioning their own reality." 

Hester Chillingworth, artistic director, GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN.

image credit anastasia anapolytanou


a blink of an eye uses the stage as a spatial representation of the human brain. with the parallel use of video, projection and live performance it explores the brief period of time (a blink of an eye) of what goes on in margarita’s head just before she speaks.

margarita is recalling on stage a recurring dream she has of an island, when she loses her ability to speak. from that point on

she gets trapped in a looped routine of everyday actions, forgetting her desire. there is an edgy but humorous struggle, utilizing movement and recorded text, and finding its resolution through discovering a point of balance within the infinite possibilities of the

urban landscape. the woman (margarita) and the island become one.

a blink of an eye, open rehearsal. image credit daniela sbrisny


devised by the company

performed by: julieta kilgelmann 

sound by: will huckerby, nik paravatos

photography by: anastasia anapolytanou

associate artist: polly stella graham

machine designed by anoushka athique

direction/original concept: xristina penna

10' of work in progress at soho theatre as part of showusyerbits from getinthebackofthevan