Terms Of Use For Data

Terms related to looking at anonymized data.

While the ASSISTments TestBed will give anonymized data to researchers, sometimes it may be possible to link the data that was intended to be anonymized back to individuals. Student-

level data is covered under FERPA.

You agree, as a condition of using ASSISTments Test Bed Data, to the following terms and conditions meant to ensure that student data remains anonymous:

1. You will not use the data to discover personally identifiable information about the individual

students in the study.

2. If you discover something that can identify students personally, you will both delete it from your computer, and inform ASSISTments (Neil Heffernan of WPI - nth@wpi.edu) of this

immediately. You will work with ASSISTments to take steps to make sure data that is supposed

to be anonymous is in fact anonymous.

3. You agree to not give this data to a third party.

4. You agree to not commercialize this data or use it in a malicious manner.

The current version is
