2014 Learning Maps Dataset and Evaluation Code
Data Description
Data Description
This data set contains the following files:
This data set contains the following files:
Integer Skill Map is a section of a leaning map containing 15 concepts and skills related to understanding integers. This map was developed by Mathematics Education literature describing how students learn to understand and operate with integers.
Integer Skill Map is a section of a leaning map containing 15 concepts and skills related to understanding integers. This map was developed by Mathematics Education literature describing how students learn to understand and operate with integers.
Integer Test Items: This is the set of 25 questions to which students responded. As part of the test development process, subject matter experts confirmed the allignment of each item to its associated node, meaning that the item was judged by experts to evoke the intended skill. Hence a student's correct response is assumed to indicate that the student has mastered the skill associated with the test item.
Integer Test Items: This is the set of 25 questions to which students responded. As part of the test development process, subject matter experts confirmed the allignment of each item to its associated node, meaning that the item was judged by experts to evoke the intended skill. Hence a student's correct response is assumed to indicate that the student has mastered the skill associated with the test item.
Student Response This is the responses of 2846 students to the 25 individual items in the Integer Test Items file. The students were from grades 6, 7, 8 and 10. 8 percent of the students are from grade 6, 49% in grade 7, 39% in grade 8 and 4% in grade 10.
Student Response This is the responses of 2846 students to the 25 individual items in the Integer Test Items file. The students were from grades 6, 7, 8 and 10. 8 percent of the students are from grade 6, 49% in grade 7, 39% in grade 8 and 4% in grade 10.
Source Code: This contains the source code that was used for the experiments. It contains java files, MatLab and Mathematica representations of the models, the evaluation code and the results of the first iteration of the experiments.
Source Code: This contains the source code that was used for the experiments. It contains java files, MatLab and Mathematica representations of the models, the evaluation code and the results of the first iteration of the experiments.
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