Skill-builder data 2009-2010

This is the 2009-10 data

The data is here:  (Note: I, Neil Heffernan, get lots of requested that are asking 

(It was hosted here.) 

Update: Duplicated data records have been detected in the data sets that located at above links. A corrected version can be found here:

Skill builder problem sets have the following features:

If you are using this data set please put into your publication this precise URL ( ) so others can know what data set you used.

If you are using it in a publication, please make reference to ASSISTments by citing our most commonly used paper to reference the ASSISTments system.  (To be clear the paper below is from 2009 and does not use this data.)

We think these papers used this data

More info is available from this year school year here

We recently in 2020 published a KDD paper with Andrew Lan and Ghosh at UMASS.  

We are going to link this soon.

Dr Heffernan is aware of a some paper that have used this data set.  He tries to keep track of such studies. He is aware of some work and he has a list here:

If you know of a paper that uses this data set please send me a citation and link to the paper as I want to know and report to my funders.  

June 2024: I am aware of one paper that tracks the 100+ papers that have used ASSISTments data. 

We also have the 2014-2015 skill builder data set here.