

This project concentrates on three main goals. The first goal is to develop additional contents for ASSISTments system targeting fifth, sixth, and eighth graders. The second goal is to determine whether five, seven or nine skill-master problems with directive feedback including hints, and explanations are the most effective in detecting a wheelspinning. This goal was resolved by a separated study which was conducted by Tuan Le. The results of this study was then incorporated in our study to achieve the last objective of our project which is to provide extra helps for the wheelspinnings and to investigate their effectiveness compared to directive feedbacks. Each problem was created with identical content, yet presented to students in one of two ways: with directive feedback or with extra tutoring videos. A study was then conducted using these problems sets to acquire data with the purpose of determining which method is more effective. For each problem set, students were randomly assigned in either the experimental group or the control group, which were exposed to either extra video helps or directive feedback respectively. The data was then collected and analyzed. In conclusion, although our study was inconclusive about the impacts of tutoring videos on wheelspinnings, many issues associated with the study were addressed throughout the project.

Click on the following links to experience the problem sets:

PSAJURU - Properties of integer exponents

PSAH766 - Solving linear equations

PSAJDKN - Equivalent expressions

PSAJ4ZZ - Interpret multiplication as scaling

PSAJDQJ - Writing inequality from situation

*Each time you click on these link you will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions. If you receive an error page for any reason, please refresh or try an alternate browser.


Table below contains all the video links used in the problem sets.

Click on the links to open the videos.

Five excel files containing our data with the redaction of all student and teacher identifiers, five pdf files showing all problems in the problem sets, and an other pdf file containing all the Matlab code are presented below.