
From left to right: Fabio Gasparini, Lucia Manni, Giambruno Martinucci, Francesca Cima, Giovanna Zaniolo, Federico Caicci, Paolo Burighel, Loriano Ballarin

The research staff of the "Ascidian Biology Lab" of the Dipartimento di Biologia in Padova deals with the study of various aspects of biology and evolution of marine invertebrates, in particular the Tunicates. These animals are considered the closest to vertebrates and are worldwide studied. From a long time, the team rears successfully the ascidian Botryllus schlosseri that forms colonies of numerous clonal individuals growing adherent to glass. Their development can be followed by various techniques: in vivo observations, histology, immunocytochemistry, electron microscopy (transmission and scanning), molecular biology and experimental procedures for specific topics (see here). The team of teachers/researchers is known in the scientific world as evidenced by the numerous papers appeared on peer reviewed international journals and dedicated volumes.