Art Binder Printouts
Download and print PDFs to make your own A.R.T.s Binder.
Studio Habits of Mind Overview
What are we teaching when we are teaching the arts? Here's an At-a-Glance sheet that helps infuse the 8 habits of mind.
Common Core and Studio Habits of Mind Matrix, ACOE
Quickly make sense of the Studio Habits of Mind by seeing how they match up to Common Core for Math and Language.
Arts Integration and STEAM Toolkit
from Susan Riley. Be sure to check out tons of great resources at the Education Closet.
Art + Science
Arts and Science Drawing from California Native Plant Society
This extensive and well written guide gives you drawing tips, a science refresher and many easy and quick to use visual art + science projects. View more resources on their website CNPS.
by the California Native Plant Society
This Art and Science curriculum can be used to deepen observational skills through drawing and writing in nature with step by step instructions for botany, drawing birds, drawing plants and flowers.
Click here for this free 96 page PDF download. It includes:
Art and Science lessons, with State Standards listed.
Botany - A Refresher
Drawing Techniques for Nature Study
Stimulating Discovery and Inquiry
Language Arts in the Field
Classroom Extensions
Video Tutorials for the Art + Science lessons:
Drawing Wild Flowers and Plants, Video 11 mins
Additional Video Instruction by artist, author John Muir Laws
This project was an extension of the second edition of the California Native Plant Society curriculum, Opening the World through Nature Journaling, by John Muir Laws, Emilie Lygren, and Emily Breunig. This project is funded to date by the JiJi Foundation.
John Muir Laws is available for in class workshops.
Visit for more information.