Assessing Student Work

This approach was developed by Teaching for Artistic Behavior

Artistic Behaviors Artistic behaviors are honored and noted in the ongoing daily assessment process. Choice-based art education uses multiple forms of assessment to support student and teacher growth. Some of the artistic behaviors choice teachers value include:


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Art Supplies and Instruction Centers

A CENTERS APPROACH reflects the learning environment, with different learning centers set up in the classroom. Commonly seen in primary classrooms, centers offer students a focused learning experience. Most choice-based art programs offer separate media centers, such as painting, clay, printmaking, etc. These centers function as mini art studios, complete with instructional information, menus, resources, materials and tools.

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TEACHING FOR ARTISTIC BEHAVIOR, Inc. is a grassroots organization developed by and for teachers and supports choice-based art education. The concept emerged over 30 years ago in Massachusetts classrooms through the need for more authentic art making experiences.

CHOICE-BASED ART EDUCATION regards students as artists and offers them real choices for responding to their own ideas and interests through the making of art. 

The vision of the Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) organization is to expand public awareness of choice-based art education as a strong standards-based art education program for PreK-12 schools, after school programs, camps and home schooling. 

All content in this section copyright TEACHING FOR ARTISTIC BEHAVIOR, Inc.