
I finished my Bachelor in Chemistry, and my master in Biotechnology. Both degrees were from University of Indonesia. Moreover, I finished my Phd in Bioinformatics at University of Leipzig, Germany.

Current Affiliation:

Now, I'm working as Head of Bioinformatics Department at Indonesia International Institute for Life Science. More on our department, could be clicked here.

Ad hoc reviewer of Journals and Conference Proceedings: Kindly click this link.

Profiles in several social networking site:

Membership of scientific organizations:

  1. The Indonesian Chemical Society (Himpunan Kimia Indonesia/HKI). Membership Number: LN0000567B
  2. International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)
  3. Indoceiss (Indonesian Computer, Electronics and Instrumentation Support Society).

Workshop attendance:

  1. Professorial Workshop of Faculty of Mathematics and Science, University of Indonesia. 7-9 March 2014. (Secretary of the Organizing Committee)
  2. Problem Based Learning Workshop at Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Supported by PEER Grant USAID. 22-23 January 2014.

Conferences Attendance:

  1. 9th Joint Conference on Chemistry, UNDIP,Semarang, 12-13 November 2014. [Oral Presentation]
  2. Humboldt-ICONS Conference on Natural Sciences, Ma Chung University, Malang. 25-28 September 2014 [Poster Presentation]
  3. Academic Trip/Mini Seminar to Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.14 February 2014 [Speaker]
  4. Academic Trip/Mini Seminar to Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore. 12 February 2014. [Chair]
  5. Special Seminar about Drug Design of Cervical Cancer at Chulaborn Research Institute, Bangkok,Thailand. 15 October 2013. [speaker]
  6. Keynote Speaker at National Seminar of Computer Science, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 12 October 2013. [Invited Speaker]
  7. International conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE): Beijing, China, 26-28 September 2013 [co-speaker].
  8. International Conference of Biological Sciences (ICBS) UGM: Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 21-22 September 2013 [speaker]
  9. Indonesian-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium. National Academy of Sciences and Indonesian Academy of Sciences. Bali, Indonesia. June 24-27, 2013. [flash poster presentation]
  10. National Seminar of Applied Chemistry 2013. Indonesian Chemical Society. 23 May 2013. Solo, Indonesia [poster].
  11. 27th German Conference on Bioinformatics 2012. 19-22 September 2012. Jena, Germany [poster].
  12. Advances in Tropical Genomics: Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Biodiversity. 20-21 December 2011. Biotrop-IPB, Bogor, Indonesia [speaker].
  13. Asia Pasific Bioinformatics Network 10th Incob 2011-1st ISCB asia joint Conference. 30 Nov-02 Des 2011. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [speaker].
  14. 26th German Conference on Bioinformatics 2011. 7-9 September 2011. Weihenstephan, Germany [poster].
  15. 4th Berlin Summer meeting: Computational and Experimental Molecular Biologist meet, 23-25 June 2011. Berlin, Germany [poster].
  16. Leipzig Research Festival 17 December 2010. Leipzig, Germany [poster].
  17. 25th German Conference on Bioinformatics 2010. September 20th-22nd, 2010. Braunschweig, Germany [speaker].
  18. 4th ESFF Conference 14-17 April 2010. Dresden, Germany [poster].

I also participating as speaker in the following Bompfünewerer Consortium Seminars:

1. TBI University of Vienna (Austria) Winter Seminar in Bled, Slovenia at 2010, 2011, 2012

2. Chair of Bioinformatics University of Leipzig (Germany) Autumn Seminar in Vysoka Lypa, Czech Republic, at 2009, 2010, 2011 and at Doubice, Czech Republic, at 2012