NIBTM Research Group

Ilustration of -omics scheme. (taken from

Ilustraion of -omics scheme (taken from

NIBTM is the abbreviation of 'Nano-neuroimmunobiotechnomedicine'. This initiative is mainly focusing on transcriptomics/transcriptome aspects of biomedics. Transcriptomics is focused due to the over-exposed attention towards Genomics and Proteomics. The RNA mechanisms in the cell need more carefully grained research as well. However, we still hanged upon the fundamentals of central dogma to proceed this project. In this initiative, I'm collaborating with:

  1. David Agustriawan.,PhD. Faculty of Bioinformatics Department, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
  2. Rizky Nurdiansyah.,M.Si. Faculty of Bioinformatics Department, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
  3. Dr. Dito Anurogo, S-2 Biomedical Sciences, FK UGM, digital doctor in, author of 18 books, i.e.: The Art of Medicine, 2016, published by Gramedia, sold online at
  4. Dr. Taruna Ikrar, Medicine Specialist from University of California, Irvine, United States and Adjuct Professor at Hassanudin University, Makassar. (SCOPUS Author ID:14621460200).
  5. Prof. Dr. Sofia Mubarika, Biomedics Professor from Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjahmada, Yogyakarta (SCOPUS Author ID 6507708439).
  6. Didik Huswo Utomo, Department of Biology, University of Brawijaya, and PhD student from University of Nagoya, Japan.
  7. Prof. Dr. Marsetyawan HNES. Histology and Cellular Biology Department. Faculty of Medicine. Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Our publications are as following:

  1. Parikesit, Arli Aditya. ‘The Construction of Two and Three Dimensional Molecular Models for the MiR-31 and Its Silencer as the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Biomarkers’. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 18 October 2018. Accessed 18 October 2018 doi:10.3844/OFSP.12140. [Link available here]
  2. Agustriawan, David, Anton Sumarpo, Arli Aditya Parikesit, Rizky Nurdiansyah, Gabriella Patricia Adisurja, and Ricky Ravindra Fajar Ap. ‘IN SILICO STUDY OF MIRNA-REGULATED IQ MOTIF-CONTAINING GTPASE-ACTIVATING PROTEIN FAMILY IN LIVER CANCER’. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11, no. 15 (3 October 2018): 98. Accessed 9 October 2018 doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2018.v11s3.30046. [link available here]
  3. A.A. Parikesit, D.H. Utomo, N. Karimah, Determination of secondary and tertiary structures of cervical cancer lncRNA diagnostic and siRNA therapeutic biomarkers, Indones. J. Biotechnol. 23 (2018) 1. doi:10.22146/ijbiotech.28508. [link available here]
  4. M. Fachrul, D.H. Utomo, A.A. Parikesit, lncRNA-based study of epigenetic regulations in diabetic peripheral neuropathy, Silico Pharmacol. 6 (2018) 7. doi:10.1007/s40203-018-0042-8. [link available here]
  5. A.A. Parikesit, D. Anurogo, 3D Prediction of Breast Cancer Biomarker from The Expression Pathway of Lincrna-Ror/Mir-145/Arf6, J. Sains Dan Teknol. 2 (2018) 10–19. [link available here] .
  6. Dito Anurogo, Arli Aditya Parikesit, Taruna Ikrar. Bionanomedicine: A "Panacea" in Medicine?. Makara Journal of Health Research. 21(2) 2017. [link available here]
  7. Arli Aditya Parikesit, Riza Putranto, Dito Anurogo. Pemanfaatan Sekuens Genom dan in silico drug design secara daring dalam Bidang Pertanian dan Kesehatan. Menara Perkebunan. PPBBI. 2017 [link available here]
  8. Arli Aditya Parikesit, Didik Huswo Utomo, Nihayatul Karimah. The Discovery of Secondary and Tertiary Structure of Cervical Cancer lncRNA biomarker. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology. 2017 (in press).
  9. Arli Aditya Parikesit, Dito Anurogo. Prediction of 3D Structure of Breast Cancer Biomarker from the Expression of LINCRNA-ROR/MIR-145/ARF6. National Seminar of Science, Engineering, and Technology. University of Pelita Harapan. 2017 (in press) [link available here for presentation title]
  10. Dito Anurogo, Arli Aditya Parikesit, Sofia Mubarika, Taruna Ikrar. LncRNAs in CONDBITs Perspectives, From Genetics towards Theranostics. International Conference on Health Science. University of Gadjah Mada. 2016. (in press).
  11. Dito Anurogo, Arli Aditya Parikesit, Taruna Ikrar.The Neuroimmunobiotranscriptomics of Depression. International Conference on Health Science. University of Gadjah Mada. 2016 (in press).
  12. Dito Anurogo, Arli Aditya Parikesit. Biotranscriptomics of Filagrin. Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Science. Vol.2. No.3. 2016 [link available here for data].[link available here for article]
  13. Arli Aditya Parikesit. Dito Anurogo. The 2-Dimensional Structure Prediction of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) Biomarker non-coding RNA with Vienna RNA Package. Chimica et Natura Acta. Vol 4. No.1. 2016. [link available here].