
Archaeobotanical Links (mirror)

Archaeobotanical Practical Hand-outs & Links (this is a mirror of the Dorian's Archaeobotanical Resources page on the UCL Website) 

Links to training programs in archaeobotanical labwork

General links (on plant groups) are followed by regional links.

Dorian's links for historical linguistics

An economic botany polyglot: the mutli-lingual, multi-script plant names database, especially for Asian names.

Kew's virtual Grass flora of the world: grass taxa descriptions. See also drawings on Texas A&M's grass site.

Gernot Katzer's spices index. .... Mrs. Grieve's complete Modern Herbal (1931).....

E. Bonavia (1888) The Culitvated Oranges & Lemons of India & Ceylon. E-book.

Databases of Archaeobotany.

UCL Databases & Bibliographies are under developement: here

Helmut Kroll's Archaeobotanical Bibliography index, search by site and species as well as author. Predominantly Old World

Neolithic archaeobotany of the Near East & Europe (compiled by Sue Colledge): coming soon!

seealso the related book, "The Origins and Spread of Domestic Plants in Southwest Asia and Europe" (eds. S. Colledge & J. Conolly)

and its on-line bibliography

Eastern Mediterranean archaeobotanical database at Tubingen (Simone Riehl )

Missouri's phytoliths of Equador databse. This site includes general information on phytolith production taxonomically across plants.

Steve Archer's phytolith database, mainly Virgina and the eastern U.S but an extensive range of taxa.

M. Blinnikov's Phytolith Gallery, northern temperate North America.

For UCL's on-line phytolith image gallery: Web Phytolith 1.3

Bibliography, Information on Projects, Floras and Downloadable Publications


The IWGP (International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany), with conferences held every 3 years in Europe; normally published in the journal Vegetation History & Archaeobotany.

The Society for Ethnobiology, with annual Spring conferences in North America & a journal

The Association for Environmental Archaeology, with conferences in the UK or Europe & a journal.


The African Archaeobotany conference page (IWAA 5 held in 2006 at the Institute of Archaeology). Includes a page of links to other sources on African archaeobotany, ethnobotany and online-flora information

The Lost Crops of Africa [a useful source that can be read on line]...I Cereals (1996)....II Vegetables (2006)

.....mainly Near Eastern

George Willcox's webpages: data and information on archaeobotany and early agriculture in the Near East

including an online Seed Atlas for the Near East

Mark Nesbitt & Delwen Samuel's "Ancient Grains" website, with important publications on early wheat, ancient beers & more.

inlcudes a large number of links to the webpages and publications of other archaeobotanists.

Naomi Miller's archaeobotanical and dung bibliographies, focused on the Near East and Central Asia. See also her research summaries

Simon Riehl's webpages on various archaeobotanical projects: mainly of the Near Eastern Bronze Age

The late Andrew Sherratt's ArchAtlas project illustrated the geographic development of early agriculture in the Near East

..... mainly East Asian

Gary Crawfords webpage, inclduing link to publications, much important work in East Asia and Canada

Chinese Rice paper translation project, of Bryan Gordon. This website compiles english translations of numerous Chinese articles and some Japanese articles dealing with early rice, domestication and origins of civilization. But NOTE that these papers are of highly variable quality, and some are from non-scientific and non-peer reviewed publications; they may be misleading. Such materials are useful for historiagraphy of thinking about early rice in China and rarely constitute serious archaeobotany. Some important phytolith studies (under "phytology") and useful genetics papers can also be found.

IRRI, the International Rice Research Institute (Manila). For recent research & publications on rice genetics, see the McCouch lab at Cornell,

and the Purugganan lab at NYU.

The Flora of China, online (from Missouri Botanic Garden's efloras)

Also try the Digital Flora of China, produced in Hubei. This site provides descriptions in Chinese as well as images of Chinese plants. It is an easy way to find Chinese scientific equivalents to Latin names. Search on a latin name; in the results, the first column is the Chinese scientific name, the second column in the Chinese plant family name, and the fourth column is the genus name. The last column links to further information and images.

.... South Asia & Southeast Asia

web resources for these regions are limited. See also East Asian resources above for some links on rice. For publications on South Asia archaeobotany, see Dorian's downloads, or a starter bibliography of the South Asian Archaeobotanical Record

Flora of Pakistan (family treatments, not all families have been published).

Annotated checklist of the Flora of Nepal.

.... New World

Bruce Smith's web page (at the Smithsonian), including a few downloadble PDFs of important review articles of plant domestication in the Ameircas.

Dolores Piperno's web page (at the Smithsonian), including a few downloadble PDFs of key articles on plant micro-remains (phytoliths, starch).

On-line ebook: Lost Crops of the Incas. Introductory information on a range of Latin American crops.

Barbara Pickersgill (2007) review article on crop domestications in the Americas, in Annals of Botany 100(5)

For the North American flora, visit the on-line atlas and image library of the USDA: Plants

or the eflora of North America (only selected families have been completed).

A starter seed atlas for the American Southwest is available from Northern Arizona State University. An extensive set of line drawings of grasses, mainly from Texas is also available on-line at Texas A&M's grass site. The also have a sedge site: CyberSedge

Pfieffer's (1993) bibliography on ethnobotany and paleoethnobotany, mainly of North America


Sarah Mason's information pages on acorns and hazelnuts.

Terry Ball's review of phytolith literature

The Ohio State University Department of Horticulture Seed Identification photos, from a range of common cultivars and weeds.

A photo gallery of flotation in action

The Gunnera Gallery: information and images on the family Gunneraceae

From Kerma to Meroe: a virtual tour of Nubian archaeological sites.

Dorian Fuller's publication downloads

SEALINKS-Bridging continents across the Sea (Indian Ocean)-[the older provisional website is here]