
Archaeobotanical gatherings

An archaeobotanical flotation photo gallery 

(with some random photos of floaters below)

A dinner group at the International Workshop for African Archaeobotany, Groningen, 2003: Roger Blench, Mary Anne Murray, Ruth Pelling, Sarah Walshaw, Dorian Q Fuller, Elisabeth Hildebrand, Alan Clapham, Mark Nesbitt, Pamela Rose 


International Work Group for

Palaeoethnobotany, Girona, 2004, a dinner group


Lucknow, First Farmers meeting, Jan. 2006: ?, Prof Tang, Prof. Ishikawa, Prof. K. Saraswat, Prof. Y.-I. Sato, Prof. Steve Weber, Prof. T. Osada, Dr. D.Q Fuller

Right: a visit to Lahuradewa site:  Saraswat, Weber, Fuller, Kajale 

  Gordon Hillman, Mary Anne Murray, David Harris, In stitute of Archaeology, London


  International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany, 2007, Krakow: on the excursion: Mukund Kajale, Daniel Zohary, Lily Zohary, Dorian Fuller;

Karl-Ernst Behre visible in background.


 Summer 2004, Gordon Square, impromptu archaeobotanical shirts gathering.

...and below: the Institute of Archaeology's Archaeobotanists, 1996 (photo from Mark Nesbitt)

 Coming soon (Summer 2009) a volume of studies in Honour of Gordon Hillman. A pre-publication discount offer is available.



This site is produced by Dorian Q Fuller.  See also the Nubian Archaeological Tour,  the South Indian Ashmounds gallery, and the Gunneraceae gallery.