
and talks


Financialization & monetary policy dilemmas in EME: the case of Brazil. IIPPE & AFEP Conference, Lille, France, July 2019. With Daniela Magalhães Prates, Nathalie Marins. Click here for the slides support.

Do emerging currencies behave different than central currencies? IIPPE & AFEP Conference, Lille, France, July 2019. With Daniela Magalhães Prates, Ivette Luna, Nathalie Marins. Click here for the slides support.

Financialization and Exchange Rates of Emerging Market Economies. 45th Eastern Economics Association annual meeting. New York, March 2019.


Taxas de câmbio e modelos ABM SFC . Seminários de Macro do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp, Campinas. October 2018.

The Post-Keynesian View on Exchange Rates: towards the consolidation of the different contributions in the ABM and SFC frameworks. XI Encontro Internacional da Associação Keynesiana Brasileira (AKB). Porto Alegre, August 2018 (with Daniela M. Prates)

How are exchange rates determined? A heterodox AB-SFC perspective. 8eme Congrès de l'AFEP. Reims, July 2018 - also presented by co-authors at: Conference on Complex Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2018 & FMM Conference, Berlin, Novemeber 2018 (with Dany Lang and Federico Bassi)


The Fragility of Emerging Currencies Since the 2000s: A Minskyan Analysis. XXII Encontro Nacional de Economia Política, SEP, Campinas, 2017

Inclusive Growth: innovation in development thinking but not in countries' realities? MIDE Alumni Conference on Innovation on Development Thinking and Practice, HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2017

Financialization at the International Level and Exchange Rates of Emerging Market Economies. 7ème Congrès De l'AssociationFrançaise d'Economie Politique : Vers une désintégration de l’Europe ? AFEP, Rennes, 2017. Click here for downloading the paper.

Financialization and Exchange Rates of Emerging Market Economies. Second New Developmentalism's Workshop: Theory and Policy for Developing Countries. FGV, São Paulo, 2017


The fragility of emerging countries’ exchange rates in the 2000s – a Minskyan analysis. VIII Encontro Internacional da AKB, Uberlândia, 2015

Financialization and Exchange Rates in Emerging Countries. DAAD-Development Network Workshop on “New Concepts of Developmentalism: What Relevance for the Developing World?”, Campinas, 2015


The fragility of emerging countries’ exchange rates in the 2000s – a Minskyan analysis. 3rd Nordic Post-Keynesian Conference, Aalborg. 2014


Financialization and its impacts on emerging countries' exchange rates. Developments in Economic Theory and Policy (2013 Program), Univ Basque Country & Cambridge, Bilbao, Spain. 2013.

Crescimento Inclusivo, Proteção Social e Espaço Fiscal. Proteção Social para Crescimento Inclusivo: Opções e Perspectivas, United Nations, Cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde. April 2013.

Financialization and Financial Flows to Emerging Countries. Financialisation in Middle-Income Economies, SOAS, London, UK, April 2013


IMF Policy Recommendations: any change after the crisis? The State of Economics after the crisis, IMK, Berlin, Germany 2012.

Financialization, Capital Flows to Emerging Countries and Policy Responses. Developments in Economic Theory and Policy, Univ Basque Country & Cambridge, Bilbao, Spain. 2012.

An analysis of IMF policy recommendations in 2010 Article IV reports. Developments in Economic Theory and Policy, Univ Basque Country & Cambridge, Bilbao, Spain. 2012.

Financialization, Capital Flows and Policy Options for Developing Countries: the case of Brazil. Euromed International Workshop, Euromed, Marseille, France. 2012.


Capital Account Management and Reserve Accumulation in Brazil. Economic Studies on Money, Finance, Trade and Development, DAAD Partnership on Economic Development Studies, Berlin, Germany. 2010.