
Exim Bank BRICS Economic Research Annual Award 2017 with my PhD thesis "Financialization and its Implications on the Determination of Exchange Rates of Emerging Market Economies", written under the supervision of Daniela M. Prates, Dominique Plihon and Dany Lang, at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, and Université Paris 13 Nord, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France. The ceremony took place during the 7th Annual BRICS Financial Forum hosted by China Development Bank in Beijing, China, on September 2017. The thesis can be found here.

Global Development Awards and Medals Competition 2014-15, Finalist, Global Development Network with the paper Inclusive Growth: Building Up a Concept. Brasilia 2013. IPC-IG Working paper number 104, with Rafael Ranieri.

Menção Honrosa XX Prêmio Minas de Economia, Conselho Regional de Economia (MG) e BDMG with my undergraduate thesis on the determinants of investment decisions and the role of expectations in the context of inflation targeting regime in Brazil ("Determinantes dos Investimentos no Brasil: O Papel da Expectativa no Contexto do Regime de Metas para a Inflação"), written under the supervision of Frederico Gonzaga Jayme Jr.