

The overarching scientific challenge of this project is to lay the foundations of new society-centered decision, learning and interaction algorithms. We identified 4 key challenges that will be the core scientific development of this project: anticipation and human prediction, multimodal interaction, learning during interactions, and trust. Our approach to tackling these challenges is to design and conduct joint observational studies in the field, by robotics and social sciences experts. The joint analysis of the field studies will impact the design of new theories, models, and algorithms, considering the human and societal aspects of these challenges. In the first part of the project, the consortium will focus on mobile manipulators, using platforms that are readily available in the consortium to conduct experiments with humans in public and workplaces. In the second part of the project, the consortium will expand its area of investigation on wearable robots, with a higher degree of embodiment and physical interaction.

Ref: PEPR O2R - AS3 - ANR-22-EXOD-007

Role: Co-Investigator

Lifetime: 2024-2031