
The main objective of my research is the development of robots capable of interacting and communicating in a natural way with humans [1], expressing, through their shapes and behaviors, a high degree of Social Intelligence [2,3] (Figure 1, left). This intelligence "emerges" through the coherent exploitation of socio-cognitive skills [4] that ensure robots have "the ability to get along with others" [5], establishing long-term personal relationships with humans. The grand challenge of achieving such close interaction between humans and robots translates into two major challenges [6]: the analysis of interpersonal dynamics, capable of revealing the basic socio-cognitive skills that make interaction between humans possible; the development of socio-cognitive skills in robots that explicitly take into account the presence of humans in the perception-cognition-action loop [7]. These challenges enrich each other in order to propose generic models from a multidisciplinary perspective, establishing a convergence between the elaboration of social signals, social robotics, cognitive sciences, psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience.

Thus, my activities have led me to explore various aspects of social robotics.

Figure 1: A typical scenario of social interaction between a human and a robot, on the left, and the process of extracting social signals, on the right. The joint learning task is demonstrated through a coherent exploitation of various types of social signals: gaze direction, gestures, speech, facial expressions, posture, etc.

Basic socio-cognitive abilities

Modeling interpersonal interaction and exploiting social signals are among the major scientific problems addressed by affective computing and social robotics [8]. In particular, the analysis of interpersonal interaction dynamics aims to reveal the basic socio-cognitive skills that enable interaction between humans [9].

Consistent with this theoretical framework, during my periods at Osaka University and UPMC, I developed a system aimed at recognizing non-verbal social signals based on real-time RGB-D sensors, focusing specifically on capturing gaze direction, posture, and pointing gestures [10] (Figure 1, right). I then used this system to develop a set of metrics relevant to the human-robot interactive framework as a measure of interaction engagement [11], defining it as the process through which individuals involved in an interaction begin, maintain, and terminate their mutual connection [12]. In particular, I utilized these metrics in various experiments aimed at enhancing the credibility of humanoid robots iCub and Nao [13, 14].

At the same time, I began using this experimental platform to explore social behaviors within the context of developmental cognitive deficits. In this context, social signals are basic components for human development, essential skills that give rise to complex behaviors [9]. In Project Michelangelo 1, a European project aimed at developing computer technologies for the diagnosis and therapy of children with autism spectrum disorders, I had the opportunity to focus on attention [15,16,17] and imitation [18], showing significant differences between children with autism spectrum disorders, dyspraxia, and typical development [19, 20].

Subsequently, I had the opportunity to extend my research activities on these developmental deficits by studying perspective-taking with the same metrics [21, 22], thanks to the implementation through a virtual agent of the tightrope walker paradigm [6323]. These studies (Figure 2) represent a first step towards realizing a motor signature in autism spectrum disorders [24].

Figure 2: Characterization of basic socio-cognitive abilities: the joint attention experience with a Nao robot, on the left; in the center, the imitation experiment; on the right, the perspective-taking experiment using the tightrope walker paradigm.

Personalization of behaviors

Humans are unique individuals, with their unique personalities, personal preferences, social roles, and consequently, they expect to be treated according to this uniqueness [25]. In a context of very close, long-term collaboration with human partners, social robots must be able to adapt their behaviors and interact with them in a "personalized" manner [6, 26]. This challenge translates into the production of metrics, models, techniques, and algorithms capable of capturing and describing the individual differences of human partners in terms of physical characteristics, personality, preferences, and social connections, as well as in the adaptation of robot behaviors in terms of social signals, vocabulary, and social rules that it must respect.

In accordance with this theoretical framework, during my collaborations with Osaka University, I proposed a model for learning and representing knowledge about people through memorization of their physical characteristics, voice, and face, and their preferences, expressed by information from a social network (likes or dislikes, social relationships, such as friendships and groups with common interests). Due to its complexity, the development of this robotic platform is still ongoing. However, the initial results suggest the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach [27, 29].

The dynamics of interpersonal interaction are characterized by continuous and mutual adaptation of the interlocutors in terms of behaviors [28]: analyzing this dynamic and consequent exploitation of social signals can become a useful tool for inferring individual differences among human partners. In the framework of Project EDHHI 2, I showed the possibility of predicting personality, particularly extraversion, during a social interaction with a humanoid robot [11] (Figure 3, left).

During my PhD studies at the University of Palermo and afterwards, in my collaborations with Osaka University, I also tried to exploit speech recognition to improve the mental model of my robots' partners. My work on natural language processing is based on the hypothesis that the performance of existing automatic speech recognition systems may struggle to generate an exact transcription of conversations in natural interaction situations. On the other hand, the robot can ignore the details of sentence structure and focus only on the overall meaning of communication. In line with this idea, I proposed the use of latent semantic analysis of sentences to create a "semantic-emotional" space. The informative content of verbal interaction is augmented by the emerging emotional information from the semantic space, which is then exploited by a Robovie-M robot capable of displaying emotional behaviors [30]. I followed a similar approach for personalizing behaviors according to the current topic of conversation: through the use of a classical text mining method, document classification based on "Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency" measurement, hierarchically applied to the entire Wikipedia document graph, I developed a Robovie Synchy robot capable of filtering out conversation details and understanding its main topic [31] (Figure 3, right). Although this system is still under evaluation, the initial results encourage further research on this approach.

Figure 3: Predicting the extraversion of the human partner of an iCub robot through the exploitation of social signals, on the left. Social interaction with the Synchy robot capable of understanding and acting accordingly to the main topic of conversation, on the right.

Social robotics in real-world scenarios

One of the major weaknesses of experimental studies is the artificiality of the contexts in which they are conducted: a laboratory setup, a hospital, etc. The activities performed in these environments and their results may imply a lack of generalization. That's why in my research activities, I have always tried to "get out of the lab" and put to the test the models, algorithms, and more generally, the systems designed in real-world environments.

As part of a project at the University of Palermo, I developed a robotic guide capable of giving tours to visitors at the Agrigento museum. From there, I developed a group of heterogeneous robots, an Aldebaran Nao and a Peoplebot and a P3-AT, both from ActiveRobotics, used as robot stewards and receptionists [32] with behaviors inspired by theater theory, giving each robot a unique role and personality. These experiments showed the limited reliability of traditional sensors embedded in autonomous robots (Figure 4, left). At the University of Padua and Osaka, I improved the socio-cognitive and autonomous reasoning capabilities of robots in real-world environments by proposing the use of a multimodal sensor network deployed in the environment [29]. This project materialized in the development of a distributed perception system for the P3-AT robot in apartments for the elderly capable of recognizing and intervening in dangerous situations [33]. In the context of the Pramad project at UPMC, I had the opportunity to further explore this topic by developing an RGB-D sensor network deployed in the environment capable of enhancing engagement and interaction capabilities with elderly people of a PR2 robot from WillowGarage.

Recently, I became interested in schools to develop a school life assistant robot. The scenario of classroom use can be seen as a compromise between the structure of a laboratory and the complexity of real life: in this semi-structured context, the use of the robot is more feasible than in other less structured scenarios, such as children's homes, for example. Therefore, the school represents a sufficiently manageable scenario from a technological point of view and very interesting from an educational point of view. In particular, the robot in school has the potential to become a very powerful tool for adapting intensive therapies to the specific needs of the child.

In this context, and in line with my experiences with EEG data analysis and brain-computer interfaces [34, 35], I developed, in collaboration with the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital group, a robotic neurofeedback system for children with attention disorders: a Nao robot is capable of refocusing a child's attention during joint activities through real-time EEG data analysis, particularly exploiting the beta-theta ratio [36, 37] (Figure 4, center). This project will be implemented in a classroom at the Georges Heuyer School and will target a population of children with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit disorders. The school is an integral part of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department and represents the ideal context in which such a project can be developed, as it is in line with its mission of very close collaboration with the healthcare teams of the department, with a focus on care-study-insertion.

In the same school, I am developing, in collaboration with EPFL Lausanne, a co-writing robot capable of learning handwriting from example writing models provided by children (Figure 4, right). The central idea of this project is to reverse the relationship between teacher and student, making the child become the teacher of the robot. The student will therefore act as a mentor who will help his robot-protégé in classroom activities, practicing writing without realizing it [38]. The study will focus in particular on dysgraphia, the difficulty in handwriting and automating manual writing, an obvious symptom of dyspraxia. 

Figure 4 – The tourist guide robots, Nao and a Peoplebot, on the left; in the center, the neurofeedback robot; the prototype of the co-writing robot with students, on the right.


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