
We usually start our evening meal with a half-serving (about 6 ounces) of soup, followed by a main dish and then a fruit based dessert. These soup recipes are hearty enough that a full serving could be a light meal in itself.

The soup recipes call for low-sodium broth. Use your favorite packaged broth or one you make yourself. My favorite is Vegan Broth and Seasoning Mix (recipe posted on this site).

The soup recipes below include instructions when using a Dutch oven or an Instant Pot.

An Instant Pot is a counter top computerized pressure cooker. I use it mainly to make soups but I have also used it to cook dried beans, whole sweet potatoes, mushrooms and kale and it has worked beautifully with all of them. If you haven’t used an electric pressure cooker before, I found the book Vegan Under Pressure by Jill Nussinow very helpful. She has cooking time charts and suggested amounts of liquids for many different foods. There is also general advice on using a pressure cooker which I needed since I hadn’t used one before.

For more tips see Cooking Basics.

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This is a basic split pea soup and one of our favorites.

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This is another version of split pea soup when I want something a little different. It has a delicate sweetness with a hint of mint.

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This is adapted from an old family recipe that has always been a favorite. It's a thick hearty soup full of lentils and vegetables.

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This is a delicious soup with lots of flavor and healthy vegetables. It makes a big batch so there is plenty to freeze or eat another day.

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The green pepper, quinoa and spinach give this soup a delightful flavor. It makes a big batch so there are plenty of leftovers for the freezer.

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I like the soup because it is a little different from many of my other soup recipes but still quick and easy to make.

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A simple soup with a delicious taste. I like this made with Vegan broth and Seasoning Mix.

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This is a delicious blend of squash and apples and makes a creamy, unique butternut squash soup.

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I love collards and wanted a soup recipe that was loaded with them. I started with my kale soup recipe and with a few modifications ended up with a delicious collards version.

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It’s hard to believe this soup is dairy free but it is. It gets its creaminess from cashew or almond cream. It is good served hot or cold.

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It doesn't get any easier than this. A commercial soup mix of beans and tiny bits of pasta, and using prepared broth. A good way to get started making your own soups.

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This is one of our favorites. It's a nice mixed vegetable soup with the broth thickened by blending half of the black beans with some of the broth. This makes a big batch and freezes well.

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This soup is made from canned and frozen ingredients so it comes together very quickly. It's delicious too, a winning combination.

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This starts with Bob's Red Mill Vegi Soup Mix and adds vegetables. This recipe lists the vegetables I add but be creative and try mixes of your own.

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I had to try this just because it had some ingredients I don’t usually put in a soup. What a pleasant surprise! The slight sweetness from the apple and coconut gives an interesting twist.

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When I first saw a soup recipe that called for peanut butter I wasn't sure how it would be, but I decided to give it a try since I love peanut butter. What a pleasant surprise!

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This is a nice, thick, hearty chowder. It takes a little longer to make than some of the other soups but it makes a big batch and is worth the effort.

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Fresh fennel mixed with onions and garlic gives this soup a delicious, delicate flavor. The addition of spinach adds even more flavor and color.

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This soup is perfect on a warm summer day or when you want something quick and easy yet delicious enough for company. For a more elegant look, garnish the soup with the toasted walnuts instead of mixing them into the soup.

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